My photo
No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, October 1, 2010

I have slept and now I am up!

At my desk, in the sun, just like life used to be. Sometimes I get mad at myself for being so upset by this situation, the flooding and residual damage, living so 'in the moment' as it were. Elsewhere, folks are enduring much more, losing their businesses to water rushing through the streets, sewage backing up into ice cream parlors, cars left sitting in rising waters. Wars and rumors of wars. The middle Atlantic region is being pummeled with heavy rains and flooding, last week it was the upper Midwest being flooded with filthy water and loss of livelihood. My friend, Penny, is from St. Paul, MN, and reported that her former spouse's potato farm crop was a total loss. Wiped out, washed away, just like that. I guess it is a matter of perspective and relativity.
Overcoming my sense of foreboding, I went to Bible study with Justin at Victory. I never did connect with Penny yesterday morning so took the clothing with me in the front seat of my car. Felt like I had a passenger next to me! Justin had loaded the toys for the Victory pre-k into my car and would unload them once there. Our study continues on justification and sanctification, and how sometimes there is confusion about them. We cannot have one without the other but we cannot earn justification or live sanctified lives without justification. "Let your light so shine before men...." Listening and taking part in the class sure helped to boost my sagging spirit. A couple of times during the class, Justin would bump me with his knee, indicating, "Hey, Mom, there you go..." or "that sounds like you". And he leans his pen my direction sometimes. It is such a joy for me to attend this class and especially so with my son!
In going through papers and boxes and such from my back bedroom, this photo plus a few others found their way to the top. Sadly, there is an ink leak from something stuck to the photo, but the essence of it remains. I remember that this photo was taken when Rosalie was visiting us, as I have another similar one in Timmy's scrapbook with her in it. How sweet the way they are sitting, arm around the shoulder and hand on the leg. Evidently the sun is in their faces as they are squinting against it, but look at Justin's smile...hmmm....looks familiar!
Martie just gave me water eyes! Because our art and scrapbooking supplies are in the guest bedroom closet and would essentially be in the way of the floor covering men, I gave her a call: "Martie, I was wondering if you could come over tomorrow after work..." and she said, "Sure!", without me even finishing the sentence. I just lost it, blown away that she said 'sure' without even knowing what was in store for her. Cha-ching!! We will go through the art stuff and the crafting items, make some rash decisions, and get the space cleared out. Purge, purge, purge, and schnudder!
It occurs to me that I have photos in way too many places, too many separate bins and containers. Justin made me laugh the other day by saying my old line: "Get outside the box". What I do intend to do is to locate them all and get the photos into plastic, more consolidated than spread out. At some time in my life, I want to scan them all into the computer and save them in the stratosphere where water or fire cannot get to them.
Yesterday after the adjuster was here, a really nice man who treated me more than fairly, I kept my appointment with Carol, my massage lady. When I entered the Salon, I was greeted by a young woman who called my name, and said how glad she was to see me again! She said it has been a year since my previous massage and she even remembers what I was wearing when I came in for it. Really? She said it was turquoise with some black in it and looked so good on me. I thanked her for noting that and said I would check my closet to figure out if I still had that top! Carol took such great care of me, even keeping me beyond my one hour appointment, working out the aches and pains and creaking going on in my muscles and such. She told me not to do any more lifting and toting the rest of the day, but I did carry two art pieces from Great Hang Ups. So I am hauling stuff out, and then bringing more back in. Glad to have some of my work framed and ready for display. Off to La Nopalera with Tracy, Cassidy, and MamMa!