Wednesday night at choir rehearsal we practiced the anthem for Sunday, "The Lord is My Shepherd" which is quite repetitive in the refrain. Kathy said that the congregation would be singing it with us but since I had typed the service folder, I did not see that. According to my instructions, I had left a copy of the folder for her as well as for the MIDI operator, which confirmed that only the choir was singing this anthem. Well, Kathy, who was under the weather, said it must be sung that way or it would not be the same, so when I got home, sent Pastor an e-mail to let him know. I offered to come in on Thursday afternoon to make the copies to insert into the already printed folders.
In the morning there was no e-mail from Pastor so off I went to Bible study and lunch with Justin. When I came home I found an e-mail from him, saying either Lynne or he had missed that about the anthem and suggested that there was room on the service folder inside back cover to print it. Um, um, I am not sure how to do that, and told him via e-mail that I would have to think about this because I could not picture it from here. The computer repair man was coming by in the afternoon at an unspecified time and when he was done, I would come over to work on it. Well, a bit later, Pastor called me to report that he had it figured out already, took him 10 minutes, and got it done. I know I would have probably wasted a lot of paper and possibly ruined the completed stack of finished covers. I was so thankful that he took care of it!
Kathy was feeling good enough last night to enjoy dinner with me at The Club. The special was prime rib and we both ordered it. Oh my, it was delicious with a wonderful gravy/sauce over it. Of course, most of mine came home with me for another time. My fridge is beginning to bulge with to-go containers so I might have to stay home for meals in order to get them cleaned out. For breakfast I ate leftover meatloaf and green beans from Cracker Barrel's dinner on Tuesday night with Judy J. One down, about three or four to-go (a little play on words there....)
Before Kathy arrived I watched the poor wedding planner trying to do a run-through with a bridal party outside the dining room. Without being able to hear what was going on, it was comical to watch, as it appeared she was herding cats! At times, it looked as though all the participants were telling the others what they were supposed to do, where to stand, how to walk in, instead of listening with their mouths closed. At one point, the planner threw her arms up and basically said, "STOP!" When Kathy arrived, I told her it reminded me of choir rehearsal when everyone is trying to be the director, singing when they should be quiet, trying to count out the notes, and so on, at times. We sound like an orchestra when it is warming up!!! I am amazed and pleased at how nice we sound when it all goes together. The cats are herded!