Here, at my condo, our mail is placed in little pigeon holes with our unit number on them, and we use a key to access it. If someone gets a large package---or they are negligent in collecting their mail--ahem, ahem,--the letter carrier can use a big, square keyed box alongside, then puts the key inside the regular mailbox. When I see that a key is missing from the big boxes, I know its probably time for me to check my mail. A plastic grocery bag gets recycled as a mail bag for me, and I carry the contents from the big and small box upstairs, this time literally, upstairs. Whew! What a load! Many, many, many catalogs including one from Pottery Barn, which makes me laugh, thinking about that "Seinfeld" episode and Kramer "rejecting" his mail because of all the Pottery Barn catalogs he received! The majority of my mail constitutes junque but some requires action on my part. Yech! Just what I need, more paper on my desk.
This afternoon I bought some binders for filing purposes and also a couple bouquets of flowers to have available tomorrow morning for dressing our Resurrection Cross, made from our CHRISTmas tree. It was "advertised"in last Sunday's bulletin but some may have forgotten about it, so now there will be extra stems available. I also tried my luck again with the chocolate crosses for Easter, hopefully not being reduced to some weird shapes down in the car. The A/C ran on high all the way home from the store, while I kept cozy using my seat warmer, in order to cool the car sufficiently so they wouldn't melt. Please, please, please let them not change shape overnight!!!
I'll be making up Justin's basket later and getting some other things ready for him to take along when he goes to his father's tomorrow for the Feast. He is looking forward to seeing Harv and Barb, and of course, little Maya, who fell in love with him a couple weeks ago. Of course, the rest of his family including Marian, Biff, and their daughter, Tina, who is Maya's mommy. I don't know if Keith, Tina's husband, is coming or not, but I believe his mother is joining the fun. Justin was meeting one of his former classmates from St. Johns this afternoon so didn't come over to take care of that mess of his. Says he'll get it tomorrow...keeps getting further and further away, doesn't it???
I was with my friend today...she had called me Friday to report that she had tumor things on her jawline, jowls, and into her clavicle area. Lymph nodes apparently. She'd had a CAT scan in the morning, and was awaiting a call from her doctor. She told the doctor's office that she wasn't feeling the tiniest bit better, having had antibiotics for two days already, and they told her to go to the ER this morning if she didn't feel better. WELL, she didn't feel better, felt terrible, her glands were getting bigger, harder and more painful. So much for not using the ER as your primary care facility!!
We went to a wonderful, new hospital where she is getting excellent care. She just called to report that she'd finally been put in a room after napping since I left her about 2:00 pm in the ER. They gave her an antibiotic drip and something for her pain, and she seems to be feeling better. Could be the pain medicine at work....She will most likely be able to go home tomorrow and is going to let me know when she can leave. I may be able to go get her but most likely I'll be having my Easter feast. My friend already has someone in mind to call for a ride if I can't make it. She understands about Easter and its feast! We were going to have brunch at The Club tomorrow but since she's sick, I've been invited elsewhere to dine.
My peoples in WI are having their Easter Feast as I write. Lori called me from the road and said how much she is looking forward to seeing all the little boys at dinner. Jill is the hostess with the mostest, particularly as she has the "mostest" room for gatherings. Jill's two grandsons, Hunter and Bryson (the one I haven't met yet) are there, as well as my two sweethearts, Lynn's grands, Gabe and Manny. Oh, they are sooooo cute! I can't remember why they had the Feast tonight instead of tomorrow, perhaps someone had to work Sunday or something. Anyway, bon appetit! Emmanuel
Lisa, Gabe, and part of Grandma K
Linda's mom went home to heaven yesterday morning, her battle over. Linda called to tell me as Joanne and I drove to the ER. She sounded good, under the circumstances. She told me the neatest thing though: Her mom was sort of fading in and out of awareness, while Linda and her sister sang hymns for their mother the night before she died. What a wonderful send off they gave Mrs. Kocian! Now, she is experiencing the "bliss beyond compare" we sing about in our "Jerusalem, the Golden" anthem for Easter....How wonderful to be singing with the heavenly realm for eternity!Lisa, Gabe, and part of Grandma K