Wednesday night Justin and I were at The Club for Trivia Night. This time no one fought to buy him dinner or drinks except me. We started out sitting with Bob, Bill, and Nancy, enjoying the buffet with them. Again I had wanted the tapas menu but it was not available, so I think I am catching on to the routine. No tapas menu on buffet night!
Once the game got under way, we moved back over to The Palace Team table where we again ended up in 2nd place by a sizable amount. We won't be able to play if it's offered in December as Advent begins and I won't be going over there. I guess that was my big finish---2nd place.
Bob thanked me again for inviting him to join us for ThanksLiving. He has plans to dine with Bill and Nancy, who have sort of adopted him, and he them. Bob was telling Justin about how I know everyone and what's going on around the place, and Justin said, "I know...she is like an ambassador!" Bob had to laugh because that is what he calls me. Justin knew that so fed him the line. Funny! Bob told me he wants to take me to eat at The Club after I get back in January and I think that will be just dandy. My guess is that Bill and Nancy will come too. I make him clean up his langauge around me, just like my neighbor, Randy, had to do!
Kindly notice the blue lantern hanging next to my chimes. It was a treasure found at the Victory yard sale, even though I was determined to NOT find anything...I got it washed up and Justin hung it where my other wind chime used to be, the one that kept falling down in pieces. Then, Stephanie got me a new one and it didn't hold up either. I wish better for this one!
Justin is gone to a birthday party at the house he used to live in a few months ago. Tomorrow his whole gang is going to a football game in Tallahassee. Friends from the Tampa area are joining them for this game. I am unsure exactly which teams they are going to watch but some of them attended Miami and some FSU. Hmmm...So, anyway, Justin will be spending the night in Mandarin and they will leave from there in the morning.
He made a pasta dish on Tuesday night while I was at a Building Committee meeting but we just don't care for it. Too strong a flavor or something, perhaps the shallots, not sure. I added a can of golden mushroom soup in an attempt to fix it. He tried adding some pork we had in the freezer but that didn't really help much. I might use the pork in baked beans instead for my dinner tomorrow night.
Earlier I was at my desk to work on the church newsletter which was pretty far along already. But, alas, it somehow was unsaved when the computer did a reset (I vaguely remember it doing that in the middle of the night) and my work was gone. I tried to sit here and put things back in but it's too late at night for thinking. That's why I am writing my blog!
Saturday is expected to be a hot day, in the 80's. That will feel so good to me. We have had a few days of sunshine, and what seems like many more with winds and dreariness. I have the doors open when it's not raining so the house is aired out nicely. It might also be a bit damp but when it's windy, it keeps the damp from settling. That's my story and I am sticking to it!