This morning was Bible study at Victory. Traffic was not too heavy so I was able to talk to Mom without much stress or lane changing. Every week, though, in about the same area of the road, I encounter sod pieces littering the lanes. And in the same area, I have to slow way down for no apparent reason. I am concerned that a motorcyclist is going to go buzzing up the road and hit one of the sod squares. That would be just terrible. My theory is that there is a sod farm off of Phillips Highway and the trucks or trailers loose their pieces in that stretch. At a buck a square, that load should be more secure!
Class itself was excellent, as always, continuing our look at Isaiah. Our group likes to discuss the issues of the day and often Pastor H. has something he brings up not entirely unrelated to our study. What is interesting about Isaiah and other prophetic books is that we can measure our current state of affairs with those in that era, making the comparisons and seeing the promises God made to sustain them and us. I just love this class! We have some newer participants, a couple about my age or a bit younger who moved here from San Antonio. Larry was taking classes online to become a Staff Minister, second career, as he's retired Navy. Both Karen and he are looking for work, but in the meantime get to take care of their grandkids who live in the area. They bring much to the table in our class as well. Nice people.
My young friend, Naomi, and her boyfriend, David, are engaged to be married. She is in her senior year at Martin Luther College and David is teaching at a school near Milwaukee, his first year. I told Linda I feel like it's my daughter who is engaged, that's how excited I am for them! David is the fellow who played the private organ recital for me at First German, my favorite hymns. He had offered to take me to Manty, too, after the Worship Conference but it would have been out of his way since he lived in MKE already. I can't wait for their wedding! Both are such devoted believers, I am pleased to know them!