Today was so incredible a day that I could barely stand it! Right now I let myself get too cold by not changing immediately from my swim suit when I came upstairs from the pool, and I am also sitting on a damp chair because of the same wet suit! After the pool season is over, I might have to get the chair shampooed because of getting it wet like this more than once! It will smell like a wet dog before long!
I needed a good soaking in the pool under the sun because I was bone weary, and still am, from the busy weekend. Yesterday after a long-range planning meeting at church, I helped a bit with getting things set up for today's pot luck, plus put together a bulletin board for Missions. Pastor needed me to take a picture of the finished building so he could use it for the Dedication service folder so I had to go home to download the photo and e-mail it over to him since my memory card did not fit in his computer. Judy C. and Twila were coming over for dinner, which I was preparing, and for movie watching, which turned out to be a very very enjoyable evening. And the food was good! I used only food I had on hand including a package of ribs, baked potatoes, and some of Joanne's frozen veggies! We watched an HBO Movie I bought called "Grey Gardens" a true story about the eccentric aunt and cousin of Jackie O. It was very good! Judy C. is well on the road to being my new best friend!
This morning began with Sunday school, which had a mission focus for the students, who will be adopting the Apache Mission for the first half of the year. One of our missionaries we are supporting is at Apacheland so it is appropriate to have the students support this as well. This photo is the one I took for Pastor to use on the Dedication service folder. Our service focus was also one of missions and we sang lovely hymns reflecting this message. The first hymn we sang was "Lift High the Cross" which set the wonderful tone for the service! Christ Lutheran's members, or at least some of them, came up for worship with us, about 10 or so members, which made for a nice full church today!
After the worship service, we reconvened outdoors near the new building for the Dedication service. It was brief but concise, thanking the Lord for His hand in this project and for all the people who helped make this day possible.
At the conclusion of the Dedication service, the Contractor/Member, Cliff, and Committee Chairman, Mike K., swung open the doors and invited all into the classroom building for a tour. I help Mike C. hang the shepherd right inside the hallway, and as you might notice, it is a bit crooked! I told him the story of putting up the Christmas tree, when my spouse would lie underneath it and adjust the base, asking me, "How does it look?". I always said, "It's fine, it's beautiful!", but when he got up and looked at it, the tree would be leaning way over one direction. Inevitably!!! I think "we" might have to adjust that wall hanging up a bit or this person will be annoyed every time I see it! He also hung the art work donated in Timmy's name in the foyer of the classroom building which pleased me no end!