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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oops, the day got away from me!

I am perched at my desk, using the desktop tonight, as I finish my delicious supper---at nearly 10:00 pm! My eyes are quite ready to sleep but yet I have not completed my meal. Am I upside down here or what? Martie and I had a late lunch today at Miller's Ale House, sharing a portion of their tremendously wonderful cheddar and bacon fries with chicken tenders on top. We did not even finish that dish and Martie took the balance of it home with her for later. When I spoke with her hubby on the phone this a.m., Ernie asked me if I had ever eaten at 5 Guys. Of course, I expounded on the virtues of their food and he said he had his first visit the other day. He loved it but was buried by the hamburger, just too big to eat! I told him they have a junior-sized burger instead and also recommended the hot dog. It is the fries, though, that people go crazy over, so good, fresh-cut fries. One order is enough for three people, as Justin, Linda, and I found out when she was here.
After we finished our long lunch, without benefit of adult beverages, Martie and I went to the UPS Store to send off our packages. Hers cost way more than mine did, going parcel post snail mail. Martie was appalled that the shipping was nearly the same value as the gift inside the box! Mine was not quite that bad but I do regret not taking care of this when I was up in Manty to avoid having to ship anything. Rats! Some of my shopping was done via Internet and those packages will arrive at their destination without additional help from me. Some will even arrive gift wrapped! And hopefully, on time!
Tonight as I headed back to church for Advent worship, I found myself alongside Judy J. at the light on Hwy. 17. We were neck and neck most of the way to church then, if the lights were in our favor, but when we got from Wells onto Blanding, the nightmare began. The traffic, usually dense anyway, was extra heavy with the Mall traffic and then, having the signal messed up at Argyle and Blanding was unforgivable! The left turn arrow, covering two lanes of traffic, failed to allow traffic to leave Blanding. Fortunately I was stopped back far enough to observe the problem and therefore, went straight instead of getting into the turn lane. Those lanes were also full but had operational traffic lights. Several of our members were late getting there, but Judy somehow beat me, by going against the red light and around the corner when traffic allowed. Joe came that way, too, and felt a bit uneasy turning against the red arrow! Others came in after church began including Twila and Janet, but I made it before church actually started. One thing we absolutely depend upon are operational traffic signals from Blanding onto Argyle and Wells Roads, at CHRISTmas especially!
Tomorrow a.m. I am meeting Jennifer at Grumpy's after she drops Memrie off at school. She has some things to talk with me about, good things and otherwise. Time will be our enemy though as I have to leave there with enough to spare to get over to Victory. Yes, it is Thursday already...wasn't that just last week when we had a Thursday??? Martie and I talked about how this year flew by and we wondered if it because of our ages, or did it really fly by?? I remember that I was totally preoccupied with legal matters early on in the year and after that, time just took off running! Summer went especially fast it seems. Tomorrow night is the football game and I am excited about that. Not sure if I want to go get the pizza or order in, we shall see! Go Jaguars!!!!