Justin is due in today and already he is delayed in his arrival. Even before he left JAX he was late because of something holding up production on the runway. Now, I will not have to leave here to pick him up until 11:00 a.m. central time in order to get him collected by 12:30, allowing for the luggage to be delivered to the terminal. From the airport we head north toward Manty but stop to get his tuxedo and lunch, perhaps at PF Chang or Cheesecake Factory. It makes more sense for him to have "local" foods such as Culver's but if he wants Chang, we can have Chang, even though we have one in Jacksonville.
Mom and I had a fine visit with my sister, Carol, and her hubby, Rodney. We did get a bit lost due in part to a detour and some mis-information from Mapquest. All I had to do was call Rod and he got us right to the door, we were only off by a few blocks really. For dinner they treated us at a place called "Cinders" where I had a perch sandwich, of course! I have to retract what I said yesterday about Carol not being a traveler---she likes to travel, has been to Thailand, for heaven's sake, but does not care to drive. Clarified.
She has the distinct pleasure of being able to walk to work and takes backstreets when she absolutely must drive anywhere. Carol is a couple years older than Lynn and Lynn drives all over the place yet.
After Mom and I got home last evening, we had to pick up Jill and bring her here to Mom's, as she is taking the Mom-mobile to Janesville for the wedding. Jill's car would not make the trip, I understand, so she is taking Mom's. Lynn will be the driver for Mom and Kerry on Saturday. Upon Jill's departure, we settled in here to watch some TV, what should have been a quiet evening. But, oh no, the new neighbors had another idea----a huge, horrible argument complete with profane, vulgar language, screaming and hollaring and some scuffling in the hallway. That is enough!!!! I called the police, the dispatcher indicating she could hear the hollaring over the phone. This was the second time in about a week that the cops have had to come for a domestic disturbance to this building, to that same apartment. They only moved in here after the first of this month, and already two police visits!! UGH!!!!
I hate this, I hate this for Mom, and especially for the little child who lives in that apartment, having to listen to such filth night and day, I am sure. From what I gathered, the argument, in laymen's terms was, "Do not use my telephone to make long distance phone calls." Said like that, it is not too abrasive. Now add the theatrics, vulgar interjectories, screaming, swearing, and tussling, and you possibly can have bullets flying (we don't know what can happen next...) I wish we could find a suitable place for Mom to move to where she won't have to put up with this garbage (the dumpster here is overflowing again!) and have a peaceful existence in her last years on earth. If only the church, bank, and cookie store were closer for her at Southbrook Manor!