My friend shared a funny poem on FB this a.m. which about what a lady will do when she is old. The gist of the poem is that she will go live with each of her kids and do all the fun things they did when they were young. Among the items on her list was writing on the walls with markers, jumping on the furniture with her shoes on, hating what they give her to eat for dinner, drink from the milk carton and then leave it on the counter to sour, stuff the toilets to overflowing, make noise when they are on the phone, and you get the picture. It is humorous for sure because anyone who's had kids knows exactly what the poem is talking about. I found it funny as well but then feeling badly for Justin---because he'll get to experience all my shenanigans by himself since he's my only. Gulp!
Justin at Show Biz Pizza
Justin has the privilege now of putting up with me, he doesn't even have to wait until I am elderly (or more elderly!) Thankfully he is a good sport about it---does our night driving when available and the heavy lifting. And when he has time, the vacuuming which just kills my back. I allow him to jump on the furniture now and again just to stay in practice.
Today was a lovely one spent poolside. My happy place especially when my friends come out to play. Marlena has a CD of music for us to enjoy but it gets a bit too much to have it repeat over and over the way it does. Sometimes the guys hook their phones to the system and music from their Pandora or similar entertains us, a nice mix of 'oldies' and island music. One couple prefers Country Western music but Marlena has none of that. I am really okay with what the two Marks play for us, to break the monotony. Marlena is trying to get an iPod loaded with a variety of music but is not techy at all. The one she bought online was meant to be worn with headphones only so had to send it back, and is awaiting the arrival of a different one. By the time summer is over, we should be up and running!