This morning, a lovely hot one, my friend, Nancy, sent a text message to me. It is Bill's birthday and while he still has to work (from home) she felt like she could tear him away for some time at the pool. We agreed to meet at 1:00 pm, with her bringing crackers and me bringing my freshly made ham salad. I was in the process of grinding the meat when she messaged me. She was contacting Nancy W. and Bob as well to meet at the pool. This was so exciting---our first real outing of the season!!
Nancy W. got there first and had already gotten in the water. It was very cold but she said it was nice. Yeah, right! I used my handy dandy freezer bag Justin gave me for Christmas to keep the ham salad cold as well as my soda cans. Bob came over a few minutes after I got out there. He looks so good, can hardly tell that he'd had a stroke last fall. Was back to his normal self, that grumble muffin! All we needed yet was Nancy and Bill and the crackers to have ourselves a party...
After a little bit Nancy came through the gate with the crackers but no Bill. She had terrible news to report---Bill was trying to file his taxes and found out that someone had already filed using his info AND gotten a tax refund!! Oh my! Nancy said the police were at their house at the moment and Bill was on the phone with the IRS to figure out what was going on. Two years ago when they lived in SC, the State Dept. of Revenue had been hacked and people's private info compromised, so they are guessing that's how this happened today.
We all felt sick about this but still managed to have some ham salad on the crackers. Even Nancy had a couple before she went back home. Besides the horror of having an identity theft to deal with, they also had something going on with one of the air conditioners which was causing water to drip from the ceiling. She said she was handling that problem while Bill took care of the other one. Heartbreaking, simply heartbreaking!
Nancy W. and I enjoyed the ham salad and crackers after Nancy M. left. Bob had just eaten lunch so only had one or two. We did get into the pool a couple more times, including once when Maureen and her family showed up. She is a teacher but took a day of vacation to spend time with her daughter visiting from OH. If you recall, a few weeks Nancy W., Mo, and I went to eat at Santioni's for her spring break. I hadn't expected to see her again so soon while school is in session. It was fun. This is far earlier than I've ever gotten in the pool before, with last year being my earliest on record, in mid-May. I have out done myself, starting yesterday, getting in Nancy's pool.
Anyway, I can't stop thinking of the horrible violation Bill is experiencing and will pray for his peace of mind and heart when I go to sleep tonight. I hope he can get some sleep, that poor guy. I will call tomorrow to see how things are going, hoping there is some sort of resolution to this without too much difficulty. We assume he needs new credit cards and bank accounts...oh, my goodness! I hope the powers that be can catch the culprits who did this and exercise swift justice on them.