It appears I have used this title before, because as I began to type it, the computer automatically filled in the blanks for me. It still works though!
If I don't type, I know for sure I will simply gouge the skin from my legs, the normal result of having shaved them. I know, TMI, right? In fact, I even scraped enough skin off the other night when shaving that it drew blood. Wisely, I took out a fresh razor when I had already used the dull one. All these years, it seems that I cannot quite get the hang of this. On the bright side, Lisa W. told me the skin on my legs is nice and smooth, after I told her about hacking away at my tender flesh in preparation for my pedicure. It will soon be summer so I need to be in the habit of carefully grooming my legs for swimsuit weather! Lisa remarked that she has seemingly less hair on her legs than she used to and I assured her it will pop out elsewhere---like on her chin. She was horrified, of course, as a yet young woman, and then confessed to having a chin whisker now and again. I knew she was just too perfect!
My grandfather clock is messed up on the chiming, and I wonder if I need to call the repairman back again. Justin thinks I should just wait, let it run down, and then rewind next weekend with the time change. That might be good advice, let it rest for a bit and then try again. It was not terribly long ago that the clock was repaired so it might be under warranty, actual or implied. There can be nothing worse than a clock that cannot tell time...
Last night I had a wonderful, early dinner with Joanne at Carrabba's. I had not seen her much since New Year, it is quite different than sharing a house with her, you know?? She used to be part of a networking group from where she would procure greeting cards. I hoped she had some extras that she could spare. She did, so brought me a small bag of cards when we met at the restaurant. Joanne had floor duty at the office until 5:00 pm so we figured at 5:30, we'd be able to just walk in and get a table immediately. Not so much! The restaurant was already full when I got there at 5:15 and was assigned a pager thing. Can you believe it? 'Round these parts we do not normally eat dinner this early but I might be mistaken about that. Many of the groups did have kids which might explain it, but I had to laugh that we were leaving the restaurant when the sun had not yet fully set, done with dinner before I normally begin dinner!
Before Joanne got there, Judy J. called me from Detroit, where she is visiting her brother, who is near death. She has been there a week already and I am glad she is getting time with him before he goes home. The reason for her call was to get some funeral hymns from me. Oh, do I love that! She asked me about the hymn we sang once, and when we were done, she turned to me and said, "I want that sung at my funeral!" I knew it was "In Christ Alone" and promised her I would scan it from the Supplement and e-mail it to her at her niece's house. Also sent along "Jerusalem, the Golden", my top two hymns for my funeral, which will be followed closely by "Be Still, My Soul". Her brother is suffering so, and death will be welcome. Eternal glory, 'bliss beyond compare...' soon to be his.
Sadly, when it came time to eat, I was not terribly hungry, as I was still sort of full from my lunch (I should have eaten that earlier, as well!) but I do have some wonderful leftovers to enjoy another time. It was great for Joanne and me to catch up on all our news, her big story being recently completing her certification for dealing with international transactions. She told me I would be surprised at the number of buyers from other countries in our area. Richard, her spouse, is working nearly full-time right now doing security work at local venues. Finally, a niche perfect for him.
The other night I watched The Bucket List on TV, and yesterday afternoon, Linda J. watched it on DVD at her house. This was after we did a little Facebook chatting, then switched over to the phone for over an hour. "We had words leftover"---a Justinism. Her leg is giving her a fit, nursing a terribly sore heal with doing physical therapy for her knee rehab...She is having trouble sleeping in bed so tries to get a night's sleep in her recliner chair, which, as she said, is not really good sleeping. I hope she did get a good night's rest last night.
After we hung up, I watched a movie I had borrowed from my upstairs neighbor a couple weeks ago, figuring I should get them back to her. The name was "A Walk In The Clouds" and turned out to be a very nice movie. The first of the movies Michelle loaned me was not that great, in fact, I did not watch the entire thing. Instead, I popped in an oldie but a goodie, "The Way We Were". Before "Bucket..." came out, this movie and "The Phantom of the Opera" were the two most watched videos in my house hold! Today I watched the "Making of....TWWW" where the directors, writers, composers, and yes, Barbra Streisand, told about the deleted scenes, and so on. Very interesting, still is after all these years. It came out in 1973 and I loved it. Still do, even though I have no use, absolutely no use for 'her' politics!!!
Today, I dragged myself to church, reluctantly because of the crazy winds and gloomy skies. I was thinking about the campers at Hannah Park, a group from Victory, wondering if they endured the storm, or the sense of a storm. It seems it did not really rain, only felt like it. Man, that crazy wind again, though. It kept Gretchen from Bible study but did ease enough for her to venture across the Buckman for church. We had a few more folks in church today, including about nine visitors/guests. I hope we have a good turn-out for Ash Wednesday.
We have a busy couple weeks coming up including the Branches Band coming to play a week from Monday night. We are having a soup and salad supper beforehand. Tomorrow night is Ladies' Group with our fearless leader in the hospital awaiting her heart surgery. She is now scheduled for Thursday but was not allowed to leave the hospital. Not too urgent to operate now but too precarious to go home. We had the distinct pleasure of Mark coming to church today, being dropped off by his friend from St. Johns. It had been over a year since he was there and I was just delighted to see him again. This business with Twila, his grandma, must have scared him a bit. Ash Wednesday and Lenten services, followed by choir rehearsals midweek, plus other church meetings and Bible study. The days or evenings being just full enough!