Timmy at the Eagle Harbor pool, taken when John and Mona came down for a visit in 1999 (click picture to enlarge)
Yesterday afternoon, Justin called me as he drove home, safely, as he has a hands-free gizmo attached to his iPhone for just such an occasion. He was letting me know he could not stop by for the frozen foods as the next stop being made was a job site at the Beaches. Justin has been ‘hired’ by his father to clean the house and get it ready for inspection/move-in including washing windows, cleaning tile and bathrooms, etc. Not his favorite thing to do but he will be paid generously, he was told. The good news was that none of the windows are the majestic height like in previous houses he has cleaned so won’t have to climb ladders. Justin has an aversion to heights. And yet, he is tall!
I like it when he calls me from the road because he then has time to talk and is usually alone and undistracted. The same is true when he calls from work, when he is prepping things for the ‘yard sale’ for the business. As he prices ring binders and staplers (when I write ‘stapler’, I cannot help but picture Paul L. doing his imitation of the guy from “Office Space” !), Justin can talk to his mama.
Yesterday he was describing the psychology/cultural ‘conversation’ going on regarding Apple products versus PC’s. He pays far more attention to commercials than do I, it seems, and reminded me of the ads for Mac over PC. The Mac guy is ‘hip’ looking, cool with a hoodie and sneakers as compared to the straight-laced guy in the beige suit and black-framed glasses, an ‘older look’. Justin said that Mac appeals to people who think, believe, they are getting something better than with a PC, which is what advertising is all about. Our friends at Great Hang Ups rave about their Macs, which is used for the photo retouching and its graphics abilities. Justin, who does his homework, so to speak, on these rather geeky things, said there is little difference in quality or mechanicals between the two products.
He was wishing, however, to find a cheap, used Mac to use for uploading his iPad which is an Apple product---not sure why that makes a difference though. Apple/Mac does the research and trail-blazing, charging more for their products, and then the others grab the technology and sell it cheaper. So the PR folks have to make it appear ‘cooler’ to stay with Mac, and part with more of your money than to appear ‘boring’ with a PC. I found that conversation quite interesting, making me go “hmmmm…..” as Judy R. would say.
That is one musing I have in my mind, wondering how many other products and services we choose, based on similar marketing skills.
Here are a few of my Morning Musings:
When making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it would be ideal to use the jelly first to avoid leaving dots of peanut butter in the jelly jar. It’s okay to leave a dot of jelly in the peanut butter jar, in my opinion, but not the other way around…
I know it is time to run the dishwasher, or empty it, when the silverware drawer has no more teaspoons.
How come I run out of spoons before any other utensils?
There is a dark, ugly ring inside my washing machine that won’t wipe off. What was laundered, leaving such a stain in my relatively young machine? Why does not the agitation remove the ring, as it ‘cleans’ my clothes?
I am upset because “Atlas Shrugged” is not scheduled to be shown in this area. The closest theater is in South Florida, which I find odd. The city in the south that has the most people demanding to have it shown is Atlanta, and they are not on the list either! BUT, two cities in CA are, including San Francisco, which is extremely odd!
How upsetting to hear that non-words are being added to the dictionaries, to the American lexicon, some not even actual words, but symbols! Like the ‘artist formerly known as Prince’ went to a symbol and then back again, perhaps these non-words will go away some day. HOWEVER, if they come in handy when playing Scrabble, all bets are off! LOL!