....but it turned out okay! Since the sun was out when I awoke, I figured it would be okay to go down for the water aerobics class. It's that "sun" thing, you know? Once I was suited up and had my beach cover on, off I went. Only Randy, the only gentleman in our class, was there so far and he was keeping an eye out for our leader, so he could help carry her equipment.
One of the other ladies came and commented that the pool was still dirty, as the pool man is usually there before we arrive. She stepped into the pool and declared it to be cold, but went ahead and puddled around. I was having serious second thoughts about this, since the sun was no longer shining and the water was cold. My throat is already sore and don't want to be sicker than I am now. Ellen came out and wondered where our leader was, as it was getting late. I told her about my throat and she offered me some Zicam's, which she used over the weekend to help her sore throat and head cold.
I went to my car to get the rest of my groceries from last night, nothing perishable, never fear, and took it upstairs. In turning on my computer I discovered an e-mail from Dawn apologizing for oversleeping this a.m. and not making it to class! Whew, now I feel better!!!
Ellen came by with the Zicam and some other stuff for me. Billy autographed a couple things for me to give to my friend for her seriously ill cousin. Huh? David is a fan and it would boost his spirits to have some special things from his favorite band, so they did this for him.
Last night at VBS was less hectic since I had only one walk-up to get registered and ID'd (is that right?) whereas the night before I think I had 8 walk-ups. The kids get home and tell their friends about VBS and bring them along the next day----according to plan! Emily made mac and cheese for dinner and it was delicious. Fortunately, no storms came in the evening so the games could be played outdoors, team-building type games that are fun as well.
Tonight is my turn to present the meal and we are having pizza! No muss, no fuss! After I closed up shop last night I went to Publix for a few things and ran into Brenda N. She has to buy "special" food for her gentleman friend who has been put on a diet to lower cholesterol and his borderline diabetes. BUT, he claims the doctor recommended the Atkins diet, which I find difficult to believe, since my doctor said the thing about Atkins is that it puts you 10 years closer to a heart attack! Supposedly his doctor claimed the other benefits would outweigh the downside of this diet but she wasn't there to hear it herself. I suggested she get him some fiber pills to take as well because Atkins has a tendency of resulting in constipation. Oh, brother!
My friend, Sharon, has some skin care products for me to pick up, as I am still having trouble with some outbreaks along my hairline. We thought it might have been caused by the gel I use in my hair, but even changing brands didn't help. I still need those Hicky-Off Pimple Pads with Plastic Filler that Cheech and Chong talked about.
I have been trying to print off the photos for the VBS craft project but am having a problem with my one printer. It asked me for a new cartridge but for some reason, it won't recognize that it's been replaced. Maybe Justin can wiggle it around for me when he arrives later on. He's working outdoors these days between showers, pulling weeds, and absolutely hates it. I cannot believe he's doing it because of his fear of spiders.....I had to pay other people to take care of the weeds and such at the lake house!!!
Twila came over to crop yesterday and we had a great time doing it. No sooner was she in the door and the bad weather started to brew. She said the sky in the north was quite black and it wasn't long before the radio reported a thunderstorm warning for our area. Twila saw the guys on the dredger taking off in their boat, so they knew to take cover. So often the lightning will be dancing across the sky and open boats are cruising by on the river. Not smart or safe!
I've gotten the church newsletter complete and ready to e-mail on Saturday. Friday will be too busy plus I wrote from the perspective that VBS is already done, so Saturday, off it goes! Saturday night is Olivia's party at Camp Blanding and I am excited about it. This will be a welcome distraction to Justin's birthday celebration with his friends, I don't want to know what's going on...........at least most of me doesn't.....Peer pressure can come into play no matter how old you are and Justin knows that, but often reminds me that he knows firsthand he is not invincible. I can't let myself get all in a knot over it, though. Owen, that sweetheart, offered to come and pick me up in case I didn't want to drive "way out there" but really, it's fine. I love the sentiment, however.
Okay, so now it's time to finish the photo printing and work on The Palace Press for our building, due out next week. The cleaners are coming for their monthly visit so when I head to the post office and to see Sharon, they will have the run of the place. Again, there's little they can do with my desk and surrounding area, but my goal is to have this mess dealt with before Lynn, Lisa, Noah, and the boys get here next month. Can she do it?? Stay tuned!