....to departure time! Judy C. was here tonight so we could make our flight arrangements for our shared ride north to the national Worship Conference in MN. She did not wish to wait to do this when I got back so we had planned to meet after choir rehearsal. I hated to do that to her since she has to get up so early in the morning to babysit but that's all we could work out. Then, at 6:30 pm, Robbie, The Maestro, called to tell me choir was cancelled because so many were not available to rehearse. Great! Immediately I called Judy and she came over to plan the trip. We had tried using her computer to register for the Conference but it would not allow us to connect or something a few months ago so opted to do the travel arranging from here instead.
My trip and hers are ending quite differently as I come home again in August from WI. At least we are flying up together, and as far as I know, we might even sit together. The website, Travelocity, would not allow me to process my trip, kept telling me to try again later, so I did Judy's instead, with no problems. After entering ALL that information multiple times for my reservation and not being able to complete the transaction, I switched over to Orbitz.com and made the reservation! Ta da! Without having the reservations side by side (hers was e-mailed to her home e-mail instead of to me), I had to make the seat selections. If we do not end up together, perhaps people will trade with us so we can!
There was a Board Meeting for the condo but I missed that, knowing I likely would anyway with choir and this meeting with Judy. Hopefully I can wrap up The Palace Press when in WI, using Jill's computer. If I do not get the official Minutes in time, then Ellen can give me the low-lights of the meeting. Most of the newsletter is ready, just waiting to fill in some blanks.
Earlier in the day, I met my two lady friends, Betty and Robin C., for lunch at Longhorn on the Island. The place was simply crawling with police, actually from the Sheriff's department, in support of Special Olympics. I was escorted to the table by a young man in a motorized chair, and handed my menu by him as well. Others 'working' were special needs kids in conjunction with the CCSO and staff. It was great to spend time with the two ladies again and get caught up on their news and situations. Betty has a possibility for a job and I am so hoping she gets an interview for it. She fears she might lose her home and then what? It was the home built by her father somewhat from a kit, she lived there with her mom, and now, she owns it. She and the bank, that is. My heart hurts for her situation. Betty is also taking three classes during the summer semester, good for her!
When I got back home after lunch, I got ready for the pool. Only a few folks were out there, more on the kid's end of the pool area. The lifeguard had turned on the music so it was nice when I was doing my 'laps'. My upstairs neighbor's cousins, regular visitors, were down there and it was great to chat with them. They come from PA several times a year and are so nice. They are a married couple, official "kissing cousins" of Donna's, one from each side of her family! How about that???? They were leaving this evening to fly back into PA and I hope the weather allows for safe flights.
When the sun went behind a tree, I opted to come back in and get things organized before my trip. I folded and put away some laundry, got items ready for the luggage including my long-johns, as it's quite cold up north these days! I can hardly wait to stand along Eighth Street for the Memorial Day parade...yikes! My family is freezing and when Judy was here, she closed the sliding glass doors because I had the shivers. We were sitting in the breeze in the river room. "You should not have to shiver in your own home!", she said. Once the other doors were closed, however, the breeze was not moving through the house and it is fine for sleeping. At least I think so!
Tuesday night at Trivia, our little team of 4 people, went from 1st place at halftime, to not even ranking in the second half. We came away as LOSERS, somehow. Some of the answers were easy to get, including the 'free' answer provided on their website, but others, as always, kick our butts! While I am gone we are taking a break and as Jesse suggested, we need to study the Oscars, rock music, and sports. No small order there...since the questions are sometimes quite obscure information. There is trivia and then there is 'what?????'