I am so glad that I got home from Victory's Bible study before this storm got fired up. This is the view looking south along the river, right after 12:00 pm. North FL is no stranger to summer storms, usually later in the afternoon for an hour or so, but this is now getting to be ridiculous. We have even been having rain or its threat in the morning hours when normally the rains would start after the hottest part of the day. Scratching my head....One good thing is that the FL aquifer is being replenished and even some of the lake beds in Keystone Heights have water in them again. The docks built many years ago now won't look so foolish going out onto dry land.
Another repercussion of the rains is that Justin and his crew struggle to get a full day's work in, being caught in regular downpours which makes lawn maintenance difficult if not impossible. The other day he was telling me how he needed to hook ropes to the ride-on mower to pull it from a muddy yard, feeling a muscle strain in his neck. The next couple times he got stuck, the guys instead put ropes around their middles and then walked backward to free the mower. Smart!, but working like oxen is not what they signed on for. The lawns water logged but still need attention. It's a royal pain to tend them when so soft. Other areas in our nation are begging for this rain, and I wish for their sakes that they get their wish!