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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A little treasure found when cleaning up the computer files:

The Women In My Circle

When I was little, I used to believe in the concept of one best friend---then I started to become a woman. And then I found out that if you allow your heart to open up,God would show you the best in many friends.

One friend is needed when you're going through things with your man. Another friend is needed when you're going through things with your mom. Another friend is needed when you're going through things with God. Another when you want to shop, share, heal, hurt, joke, or just be.

One friend will say, 'Let's cry together, another, 'Let's fight together, another, 'Let's walk away together; another, 'Let's pray together. One friend will meet your spiritual need, another your love for shoes, another your love for movies, another will be with you in your season of confusion, another will be your clarifier, another, the wind beneath your wings. (I miss Linda, when is she coming back????)

But whatever their assignment in your life, on whatever the occasion, on whatever the day, or wherever you need them to meet you with their gym shoes on and hair pulled back, or to hold you back from making a complete fool of yourself--those are your best friends.

It may all be wrapped up in one woman, but for many, it's wrapped up in from 7th grade, (or from 4th grade!), one from high school, several from the college years, a couple from old jobs, on some days your mother, on some days your neighbor, on others, your sisters, (your biological ones or your sisters in the family of God) and on some days, your daughters.

In youth we learn; in age we understand "A friend loves at all times." Proverbs 17:17

And the best friend of all is JESUS!! He's there when no one else is.

I think this came from Dolly, my friend since 4th grade...... is cold here!

I could hear the building creaking, I think, when I went to bed last night. Something was making noise and when I turned the sound down on the TV, the noise was not audible. Finally I just chalked it up to the wind and groaning of the building cooling down from 84 degrees during the day, to 50 degrees overnight. Wow, that is dramatic by any one's standards!
I woke up before the sun so I watched some "Roseanne" re-runs waiting for Fox and Friends. It seems I am catching up to where I watched a few months ago when Dan and Roseanne were having problems in their marriage, this time his mom going into the mental hospital. My sister told me the show had really changed over the years but this was the first time I saw Dan sobbing. Wow, I was so moved by it that I joined right in! He had come to the realization that all these years his now divorced father had covered for his mother so that Dan would not know about his mom's "problems". This made the Dad look like a jerk to Dan, until he found out the truth about the situation. Much of the discussion was how mental illness is no one's fault. Good point.
Me thinks I am getting a cold! There has been some sneezing and my throat feels a little hairy. Maybe I should do what Suzanne did once and take an Airborne without first dissolving it in water----something made me think about that this early morning and I woke up laughing! It just never gets old, you know? She has been having a terrible time with hives, joint pain, assorted ailments from the medication she is taking. The question arose that perhaps the used car she bought to use for work might be part of the problem, an allergic reaction to something in the car. I gave her the name of my friend who does mold remediation so hopefully he can help her narrow the problem. The steriod she has to take is causing problems with her wrists and other joints, terrible with the side effects. Poor Suzanne!
This afternoon I might wander down to Palm Coast to deliver Tina's poppyseed doughnuts to her and see the kids. Yesterday I worked on the church newsletter, getting as much filled in as I could. At the end of the month I will be busy with Joanne's mailing project, so must make hay even when the sun did not shine! In defense of the sun, it did pop out later in the day but not soon enough to warm me at the desk. The other afternoon, the computer guy came by with the repair disc for the other laptop and he got it started up, repairs made, good to go once more. That was Thursday---Friday I went to look at it, still sitting on the table where I left it, and the screen was showing its troubled face yet again. So, I guess that is it for that laptop. To replace the mother board would be $400, more than I paid for this replacement. Now, what do I do with the old one?
Oh, the reason I mentioned watching "Roseanne" was while watching, I saw a commercial for Kohls, having a big sale this weekend. Justin loves shopping there now that he has lost weight and I like their home decor department. I do not really need anything (cannot believe I just said that!) but might take a ride over there to check it out. They showed the shoes on sale and my mind said, "51 degrees outside? Might be time to start wearing regular shoes again." My little plaid canvas shoes are not really winter styled...wonder if Wal*Mart has this style in a fall pattern....It must also be time to switch to long pants instead of capris full-time.
Late afternoon I got a message from a friend at Victory inviting me to a spaghetti dinner but it was really too late for me to get there in time. Nuts! That would have been so delicious and fun, too. Next week we are invited to join Victory for a craft night where we are making pink bracelets for breast cancer awareness. We pay for the bead supplies and such, with a donation of $5 to the research. Plus wonderful fellowship opportunities!! In my small circle of friends, I have three experiencing breast cancer, including Judy R. who has been declared "cancer-free". Sadly, she just let me know that her niece who lives her in Jax has been diagnosed with the dreaded disease. My pastor's wife also has breast cancer and is undergoing treatment at present. Pastor Hoyer mentioned the other day that no other cancer seems to get as much attention as this one, and I told him it is because women are in charge of it!
Lori, my sister in Holmen, called last night to invite me along on a bus trip with the church ladies. We will go to the Twin Cities to see "Mamma Mia" and stay in the lovely hotel and go shopping, like we did last year. I know there will not be filthy language in this show as last year Lynn and I were appalled by "Jersey Boys". We had no clue, not until we were handing over our tickets at the door where a sign was posted cautioning about language and (gasp!), cigarette smoking on stage. I hope Lynn goes, that was so fun! And I will get to see Judy R. again, too!