Our worship service was a bit abbreviated today as all the communicant members were asked to complete a brief survey following worship. This will be looked at by the team from Synod who will help evaluate our congregation's ability, or possibly lack thereof, to sustain additional grades at our school. Presently we have an active preschool in place for kids aged 3-5, which serves our members and the community. Ever since, and even before, we moved here in 1988 there's been talk of a school and it took until 2000 for us to get a preschool.
On the way to church I had to stop at Publix to pick up the cake ordered for the New Member Welcome which would follow worship and survey completing. I got the cake in place, laid out the festive green table cover with matching napkins, forks, and gorgeous paper plates just as the Sunday school kids were filing in for class. Whew!
Bible study is still the subject matter of "Angels and Demons" which the Tuesday evening class already completed. Today's topics were about New Age things, and then rolling into demon possession. I know these got more discussion on Tuesday nights because we were seated around a table vs being scattered in the pews. There were a few important points from the group, particularly those discussing Tolle and his propogation of self as god. He's a follower of the almighty Oprah, a delicate spot in this household.....Joanne likes her and I, of course, do not. Anyway..........
I have to chuckle about how Pastor has to set up for Bible study-----All the attendees sit in the back three or four pews because no one would sit up front. He kept moving back toward the rear until people have resorted to setting up folding chairs if they tried to sit any further back! Pretty soon he'll need an extension cord for the overhead projector if we move any further back. Anywhere else we pay extra to sit up closer but not in church when it's free! Is this what St. Paul meant about meeting people where they are at (paraphrasing)?
Once at Friday Musicale the room was so full and seats needed that the head lady encouraged us to do like we do at church on Sunday: everyone move to the middle to make room for the rest! I leaned over and told my neighbor, "Oh, don't I wish!".
*Kathy B. had a few questions for her portion of the paperwork needed for the survey committee of which we made quick work, and then it was time for church to begin. On my way to church this a.m., I called Kathy to ask if she had her camera along because I'd left my angry one at home by mistake and needed shots of our new members. She did have it, keeps it with her all the time. Guess I need one of those purse-sized cameras instead of my big clunky one so it's more convenient to use.
*One of the readings today was a special one to me, and hopefully for Twila, too. It was the story of the jailer at Philippi, how he heard St. Paul and Silas singing hymns with the other prisoners. An earthquake occurred and the jailer nearly took his own life because he thought the prisoners escaped. Paul told him they were all still there, and in his joy, the jailer asked what he needed to do to be saved. What an awesome question!!!! Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." The jailers' whole household became believers, were baptized in Jesus' name, and he then prepared a meal for the prisoners. Twila's husband came to faith only weeks prior to his death, was baptized and we rejoiced! This text was perfect for Nick's funeral, and for our reading today.
I wore my new sweater from Mom for church today and got many compliments, including looking like a disco ball, it being the perfect color against my face, matching my glasses and lipstick---AWESOME! Even the check-out lady at Publix commented on it, and when I told her my mom got it for me, she said, "Neither my mom nor my daughter are ever in tune to what I'd like, they'd rather get what they like!" We laughed and I said, "Well, my mom goes to the store and looks for the last thing in this world she'd ever wear, and knows it's perfect for me!" Last year, too, she got me a wonderful fuscia-colored blouse that was also perfect for me. And the good news is: Disco is NOT dead!!!!