My friend from church, Gretchen, is a note writer of note! Clever, yes? It is what she does, and does well. Birthdays are remembered, thanks are tendered, folks are reached out to with 'thinking of you' cards, and so on. A week or so ago, I was the recipient of a number of such cards, but they were blank except for the image and passage pre-printed on them. Gretchen gave the cards to me to use for sending notes to our missionaries, the passage being the theme from our LWMS Convention this past summer. She just happened to have them in her collection. What a lovely donation to the cause---extending the Lord's blessings to our missionaries!
Upon getting home from Bible study and lunch today, I stopped at the mailbox to see if my delivery arrived. It had! I juggled my to-go box, my soda cup, a box, and the other mail as I made my way upstairs. No spills, thankfully. I had bought a GroupOn offer from Vista Print to use for printing so I ordered more of my calling cards, address labels (guess I have to stay here now for a while), and a set of 10 note cards. I had money left after ordering the other two items so I got the notecards. The front of the card is a photo of the pools as taken from my balcony. They are wonderful! I hope they feed nicely into and out of my printer...
Another nice item came in the mail from my now Facebook friend, Karen. We had worked together years ago at Sprint, but she had taken a transfer to the Kansas City facility after I had quit there. We lost touch but reconnected these many years later via FB. Her family and she recently relocated to CA and she is presently a stay-at-home mom to her young daughter. Karen is crafty, and sent me one of the creations she made with her Stampin' Up tools. Just when I got my new calling cards, her card holder arrived in the mail. Thanks, Karen!!!
Justin and I had a couple of really nice evenings this weekend. Saturday after I got home from the longest of the three days of meetings, I was worn out. He offered to make us dinner, trying a recipe his friend had used successfully. He happened to be sitting in my room late afternoon when my upstairs neighbor called, asking us to dinner. At first I declined, but then I asked Justin if he would like to go, and in true Kim form, he said, "Sure!"
In about an hour we were on our way with Dick and Debbie to Bonefish Grille, my first time there. We had to wait about an hour after arriving but our visit was so nice. After our meals were gone we just kept on talking and it was awesome. They are on the same page as regards our nation and Justin was in his absolute glory. We continued the conversations in their condo upon getting home, having some of Debbie's birthday cake for dessert.
In the course of our conversation, Justin told about the deals he gets with his Jaguar tickets, being a season ticket holder, including pizza from Papa Johns. We also talked about scenes from the movie "Under The Tuscan Sun". Just like that plans were made to reconvene at our house Sunday night to watch the movie and enjoy pizza!
Justin took care of getting the pizza and I arranged for our dessert, sadly not having Justin get the chocolate chip cookie pizza we had discussed the night before. Instead I served sour cream pound cake with a scoop of cherry vanilla ice cream on it. Actually, Justin served us the dessert. He excused himself from the movie, having some stuff to take care of before going to bed early.
D and D liked the movie, based on a true story, and I let them borrow the book which follows, "A Year in the World". This book covers Francis and Ed's tour of the Mediterranean countries, eating their way around the sea and chronicling the adventure.
Debbie and Dick had taken a cruise several years ago, hitting Barcellona and Tunisia, which prompted my mentioning of the book Mayes wrote. In that travelogue, she wrote about the very unusual foods the folks in these countries eat, and her husband tried, almost always got sick in the process! I hope Dick and Debbie get a kick out of it, having been there themselves! It's quite interesting to hear people's stories about their travel adventures and to read those who have had similar experiences. And, lived to tell about it!