Back at the computer, this evening feeling even better than the last time I posted. Still bearing a scratchy-sounding throat and unable to hit the high notes, I feel substantially better than I did a week ago, to be sure! I still do not feel like staying up all night, love going to bed early and having a good night’s rest. But, my appetite is returned to normal and again I enjoy the things that I missed when sick. We are yet munching on the CHRISTmas ham I bought, very yummy sandwiches on fresh rolls, the best! Mom keeps mentioning all the food in the fridge to be eaten but it seems we barely make a dent in the leftovers at all.
Part of the reason I feel better is that the Packers handily defeated the Giants today, but sadly, the Jaguars lost to Washington, once more a game going into overtime. Justin was at the game and was freezing nearly to pieces, not sporting his cold weather gear. He had asked me last night via text message where the cold weather gear was at home but then later told me he was getting a hat and gloves at the game, as the Jags were selling out their inventory. Somehow that didn’t work out for him and he told me more than once how miserable the four of them were, huddling together to keep warm.
This a.m. we worshipped at Lisa’s church in Sheboygan, where we celebrated the rite of reaffirmation of Angelo’s baptism. The pastor, whose name is also Kuske, informed the congregation that he had baptized Angelo in the hospital before he was transported to Green Bay right after he was born. And then described Angelo as being a ‘chubby little thing’, accurately so. The baptismal sponsors are friends of theirs from church, the Butler’s, who were joined at the font by Gabe, Manny, Lisa, and Noah. Pastor reminded us of the value of our baptisms, especially today for Angelo’s reaffirmation, it was ours as well. Holy Innocents Sunday, a perfect day for such an event!
We had about a dozen family members in church, including Lori, David and Dustin, who would head for home right after our lunch. I rode with Alayna to Sheboygan and Lynn took the rest in her car. It made me nervous that Alayna was so low on gas and I insisted she stop before we went to Harry’s Diner to put gas in. But, she refused to fill it up, even though I was buying! She just couldn’t do it! Our breakfast was wonderful, with the waitress being the same young lady who is Lisa’s fill-in at work while she is off on maternity leave. While we were eating, the Pastor,his wife and young son came in to eat, too. Unfortunately they did not arrive in time to join our circus, I mean, group.
Alayna took me to get some soda before we headed back to Mom’s house. She was going to her other grandma’s house this afternoon and watch football with them. Lynn was waiting upstairs for me and we watched another football game before the Packers started. My phone was busy with e-mails and updates from the game and other venues (love my new phone!) so it is presently on the charger, being renewed. I did some laundry this early evening but we only had enough quarters for a single load, washed and dried. Tomorrow we can go to the credit union and get some more quarters, plus pick up a scrip for Mom at Wal*Mart. Kohl’s is having a nice sale, too, which we might take advantage of, since we will be out in the a.m. Lynn is taking her car in for service so Mom and I will pick her up at the dealership, go and have breakfast, and then do some shopping. Perfect!
On the way to church this a.m. my friend, Joanne, called me, all excited. It was snowing “to beat the band” in Jacksonville as she was driving to church. She said the wind was about 35 mph so the snow was coming in sideways. Certainly snow would throw Jacksonville into a tail spin since no one knows how to drive in it, but the snow did not stick. It was still fun to talk about though, while it lasted!
Part of the reason I feel better is that the Packers handily defeated the Giants today, but sadly, the Jaguars lost to Washington, once more a game going into overtime. Justin was at the game and was freezing nearly to pieces, not sporting his cold weather gear. He had asked me last night via text message where the cold weather gear was at home but then later told me he was getting a hat and gloves at the game, as the Jags were selling out their inventory. Somehow that didn’t work out for him and he told me more than once how miserable the four of them were, huddling together to keep warm.
This a.m. we worshipped at Lisa’s church in Sheboygan, where we celebrated the rite of reaffirmation of Angelo’s baptism. The pastor, whose name is also Kuske, informed the congregation that he had baptized Angelo in the hospital before he was transported to Green Bay right after he was born. And then described Angelo as being a ‘chubby little thing’, accurately so. The baptismal sponsors are friends of theirs from church, the Butler’s, who were joined at the font by Gabe, Manny, Lisa, and Noah. Pastor reminded us of the value of our baptisms, especially today for Angelo’s reaffirmation, it was ours as well. Holy Innocents Sunday, a perfect day for such an event!
We had about a dozen family members in church, including Lori, David and Dustin, who would head for home right after our lunch. I rode with Alayna to Sheboygan and Lynn took the rest in her car. It made me nervous that Alayna was so low on gas and I insisted she stop before we went to Harry’s Diner to put gas in. But, she refused to fill it up, even though I was buying! She just couldn’t do it! Our breakfast was wonderful, with the waitress being the same young lady who is Lisa’s fill-in at work while she is off on maternity leave. While we were eating, the Pastor,his wife and young son came in to eat, too. Unfortunately they did not arrive in time to join our circus, I mean, group.
Alayna took me to get some soda before we headed back to Mom’s house. She was going to her other grandma’s house this afternoon and watch football with them. Lynn was waiting upstairs for me and we watched another football game before the Packers started. My phone was busy with e-mails and updates from the game and other venues (love my new phone!) so it is presently on the charger, being renewed. I did some laundry this early evening but we only had enough quarters for a single load, washed and dried. Tomorrow we can go to the credit union and get some more quarters, plus pick up a scrip for Mom at Wal*Mart. Kohl’s is having a nice sale, too, which we might take advantage of, since we will be out in the a.m. Lynn is taking her car in for service so Mom and I will pick her up at the dealership, go and have breakfast, and then do some shopping. Perfect!
On the way to church this a.m. my friend, Joanne, called me, all excited. It was snowing “to beat the band” in Jacksonville as she was driving to church. She said the wind was about 35 mph so the snow was coming in sideways. Certainly snow would throw Jacksonville into a tail spin since no one knows how to drive in it, but the snow did not stick. It was still fun to talk about though, while it lasted!