Get it? There is a great blue heron perched on the concrete 'flower pot' which supports the palm trees in the basin, standing first on one leg, and then the other. It appears as though he is casing the joint, looking into the water for the best, the juiciest fish to nab for breakfast. Joanne was telling us at dinner the other night how the herons eat their catch head first. She has much more patience bird watching than I would because I have never seen the herons eat their catch!
A great blue sitting on the rocks outside my condo
This early morning I woke up abruptly from a dream and at just the right time. Yes, another dream story to start your day! In my life and living, I am pretty much surrounded by people in the building and real estate businesses, which naturally affords itself of talking shop. I did have quite the conversation around the pool late afternoon Saturday with some of my neighbors, one of whom has his condo for sale and the other, Miss Chardonnay, who is a Realtor.
In my dream, I somehow got the key for a house for sale in Manitowoc, on N. 8th Street, a two-story older home with a basement. It was evening when I let myself in and decided this was the house for me! There was no Realtor with me, just let myself in. But that vinyl floor in the kitchen just had to go, and I pulled out my trusty razor knife and starting cutting away. About half of it got pulled up when I decided to mark the walls for where I wanted the cabinets installed. I think this came from looking at the Money Pages coupon magazine at the display for the people who make-over garages with spongy floors and organize tools, etc. By the time I got done with my make-over of the house, I found myself in the front room of the house. Much to my surprise, there was an office set-up with people working at desks, the real owners of the house!!!
I explained that I had gotten a key and wanted to buy the house, but I did not know how much it was (sounds just like me!). They put their heads together and came up with a price. It was not out of line, probably more than a house like that in Manitowoc usually cost, and I pulled out my check-book.
BUT, here's the turn of the plot, it was time for me to be at work!!!! I had to get going and nothing, nothing, would allow me to get to work on time! Oh, that level of frustration runs rampant through my dreams, running in quick sand. My impulse was to write these people a check for the full amount of the house but then reason kicked in, telling me to give only a downpayment. At this point, they did not know I had begun renovations already. My wallpaper man was busy in the kitchen trying to install a border but the wall was so out of square that the border ran up and down instead of across....
Meanwhile, I was digging through my purse trying to find the key card to let myself into work ( I was trying to get to Shady Lane using my Sprint key card!). At one point in my dream, I wanted the Sellers to notice the crooked walls without my telling them so I put two dead roaches in the corner to draw their attention to it. Certainly it would have been rude of me to point out the flaws directly....So, I woke up in full-frustration mode, ready for the day!
I hear the A/C running which means the temperature in my home must be about 79 degrees, which is a good sign for what the day brings. Justin is going to church with me but will not be staying for the meeting afterward. He is taking advantage of staying at his father's house further down the river, entertaining his friends, cooking out, jet skiing, watching TV....I hope he remembered to bring church clothes along with him. I have to chuckle about him as he has become a huge fan of Kohl's! Many many years ago, our friend, Pete, said there is no other place to shop than Kohl's, and that was before the chain moved to Florida! Justin is quite the sales shopper and since he has lost about 60 pounds, has become the clothes horse. Or pony, as the case might be!
On Fox and Friends, the very first thing I heard when regaining consciousness this a.m. was a breaking news story about how long it takes women to get ready for the day. What? That is what passes as news today? I heard this yesterday already, warmed over non-news, ugh! But wait, it gets worse----supposedly a study somewhere, probably from the streets of New Jersey (sorry readers from NJ!), "proves" that cursing and swearing are helpful in dealing with situations and with pain. Really? Supposedly, again, if you burn your hand, curse, and thrust it into ice water, you will get relief quicker than the person who does not stoop to cursing or filthy words. Next these words will be showing up on spelling tests or on the FCATs, changing the entire meaning of the acronym!
Hopefully the space shuttle will launch this evening, and Joanne will miss it! She is now staying at the beach house more than here with me, but will be in Bible study during the launch. I will have to watch it for her!