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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's Sunday morning at nine a.m.....isn't that a song?

God morning all!
Again, not a typo, I like to consider it a "God morning", an opportunity to give it another go!
Supper was delicious at Koko's, no waiting, although the tables were quite busy. Only 3 chefs cooking so they were hoppin'. Our waiter was---interesting. Jen said we'd had him before but I didn't remember.
At first I was going to compliment him on his hair, since it's like mine only much taller. But then I saw the big diamond earrings, arched eyebrows, and a hint of mascara, and decided to keep my compliments to myself. Rick said he thought he noticed some blush, but that might have been from working so hard.
After he took our order, we all looked at each other (two ladies sitting with us) and sort of grinned, wondering if he was ??? (Not that there's anything wrong with that-----just saw that episode of "Seinfeld" Saturday afternoon!!!). Which is what made this so comical for me.....My apologies to those who don't recognize the Seinfeld reference....It's better explained live rather than in print.
I spent a little time this a.m. looking on-line for a recorded version of the Psalm we are singing next week for Confirmation, but couldn't find it. I thought I'd found it once but somehow it eludes me today. We are singing Psalm 63 and I have the first verse alone. Practice is needed, more to build confidence than anything else, to sing with the confidence that Robbie has! He's come so far these couple years, I couldn't be more proud if he were my son!
"Oh, Go, you are my God, for you I long; for you I weep through the body craves for you like a dry, weary land without water...."
That's not all I sing but the first lines of my verse, it's really quite lovely.
"In the morning I will sing, I will sing glad songs to you! I will sing glad songs of praise to you. I will sing glad songs of praise to you!"
Now, if you'll excuse me, I am off to do just that!!!