Earlier this summer, not quite pool season, I had gotten a message from a friend, Cal. He wondered if I was coming out to the pool that day, he wanted me to come outside to play. I was at Bible study at Victory that day so couldn't. His question was not as weird as it sounds since a group of us hung out with his wife and him often at the pool, and I am the one who lives the closest, so it was an okay thing to say to me. What was weird is that it was only the end of April and not quite pool weather yet.
The following weekend he sent me another message, asking me when he would get to see me again. The message came when I was at Great Hang Ups and would be there for the day, so I wouldn't see him. I told him perhaps I'd see him the next day after church and lunch. Again, it was still a bit early for pool time for me, but he seemed eager to see me. Who can resist? Well, it didn't work out, no one was at the pool when I got home from lunch, so I didn't worry about it.
Cal was leaving on a trip. I followed his travels on Facebook, and it seemed he was traveling with a couple. His wife works a full-time job and with school in session yet possibly could not get off work to accompany or had no desire to do so.
Fast forward to today---I got a text message again reporting that his wife and he were separated. He indicated being heartsick over it which makes me wonder if he had wanted to talk about all this with me. I wish now I'd made an attempt to get out there, not thinking I could do anything about it, but to listen. I haven't spoken with Joann to find out what is going on, her side of the story (I didn't really get a story, other than being heartsick) but I am still feeling badly that I didn't try harder to talk with him. I so hate this for people, especially those about whom I care. Nuts!