Does it even pay to read the book I bought titled "What a Difference a Mom Makes"? I know it's closing the barn door after the horse has escaped to read such a thing but I just wanted to read about the things I've done wrong. Likely there would be little I have done considered 'right' in the book...
Last night, Justin came into my room and asked me if he could please turn on the heat. He was cold! Since my room was cozy warm, I did not think he would be uncomfortable at 76 degrees. It seems he was! "You ruined me", he announced in jest, "It's your fault, making me get used to 79 degrees in the house!" He went on to tell me how he will freeze when he moves in with Ron because he likes a cooler house. Now when the temp is below 79, he, like me, is chilly. "You're welcome!"
This morning, as he readied himself for the day, and for the evening, he told how he resorted to turning on his (my) space heater in his room. Really? In my room, the doors to the river room and hallway are closed, sealing in the heat from the sun. As long as I stayed under the covers, I was fine. And, certainly, after showering and dressing, I was fine as well. Fuzzy slippers day again---on Reformation Day!
Two years ago at this time, my newborn nephew, Angelo, was in the NICU at a Green Bay hospital, learning how to strengthen his lungs. From what his great-grandma says, his lungs are just fine now! So, too, are his arms and legs, as Angelo loves to tear around---push buttons, turn knobs, and get into any kind of mischief. Thank you for answering our prayers, Lord Jesus, thank you!