Well, not entirely the whole game of Trivia tonight but at least the 2nd half. We lost our footing on a couple answers. Since we had so many players tonight, we divided into two teams and were nearly tied for last place when the final question came up, with our ‘former’ team. Our usual team, "Nothing Tips Like a Cow" was dead last and our smaller team, a spin-off, "In One Ear and Out the Other", was second last. Rats!
Justin’s two friends, Sarah and Megan, who are roommates, joined us for Trivia, which made our numbers swell. You would think having these two future medical folks on our team would help us win but that didn’t work out. I blew on answer, the actor who did the one-armed push-up at the Academy Awards---I just could not come up with the name. It was Jack Palance, in case you were scratching your head, and he was 73 when he did that. And usually my food is quite delicious but I didn’t care at all for the mashed potatoes this evening. Oh well, the ice cream was good and the game fun!
Once again, I had water dripping into my house at the window in the river room. This time I called the condo president who said he’d come up to see the leak. In the meanwhile, Justin came and he helped me take the picture down that covers the top part of the window so we could determine the source of the leak. Tommy’s suggestion was to have someone rather dangle out the window and try to caulk it from outside. Well………
When he left, I told Justin that this was not the answer but at least someone on the Board knew of my problem. I called Jessica, my neighbor directly above me, and instead of saying ‘hello’ she immediately announced, “Yes, I have water pouring in my porch and it’s coming from above me!” That means the empty unit on 5 has a leak somehow or another causing the problem. I KNEW Tommy’s answer was not the right one! I called him back to tell him that Jessica had a leak, but got his voice mail. Also, I called Pat who is a Realtor and on the Board to let her know there was a problem upstairs. Hopefully someone has a key and can go in to check that unit for trouble. At least this is not a plumbing problem but just from the rain.Yikes!
It is nearly a year since The Great Flood, this week being the one when Lynn and Linda were here. Despite the horror of the event, it is good having the boxes dealt with and reduced greatly in number. My spare rooms are far more orderly and so far I don’t miss the items we donated to the yard sale at Christ, Keystone Heights, or to Quigley House, or simply trashed. I refer to that as clearing out at gun point! Decisions made willy-nilly but yet, decisions made!
This morning was a lengthy but extremely beneficial meeting with Pastor and Judy C. We met at Panera Bread where I enjoyed a pumpkin shaped frosted cookie and my Diet Coke. We went over the Worship Conference notes at some length, even though I managed to get the actual ‘notes’ down to two sides of a page---whew! The spoken word goes a long way, too, as we discussed what we saw and heard. He was most grateful for our efforts and we discussed other matters rather pressing, not totally unrelated to worship. Time sure flies when you’re having fun! And it was rewarding to complete, submit, and discuss, and hopefully, it will be taken to heart!
Today, after I got home, my door bell was ringing madly, which usually means it’s Connie. Sure enough, there she was with a package in her hand. When I opened the door, she said, “You sure have that mail man freaked out. He wanted me to make sure you got this…” It was the 2nd order of books from Amazon, and the first order remains a mystery. As I exclaimed to her, I was not hard on the mailman at all, and she agreed, but he was still apprehensive about my getting the delivery this time. Connie said she is asking our Board to add a light over the mailboxes so the mailman can see better what he’s doing. Not sure if that is the problem or not but I rejoice for getting my books at last. And now, to read them!