Hate is a strong word, I should modify it to 'dislike' that group of words. One of my friends at church, Jackie, in her 80's, told me more than once how she has come to hate those words. "I used to be able to drive at night..."; "I used to be able to shop for hours...", "I used to be able to sleep all night..." and so on. All the things we used to do, or were able to do. I used to dance like my pants were on fire. Now, they'd have to actually be on fire for me to move like that! And then I'd not be able to walk for the rest of the week.
Several years ago my sister, Lori, was telling how her husband and she were moving furniture around in their split-level. What formerly would have been a simpler task proved to be quite taxing. In Lori's words: "My days of carrying sofas down the stairs are over..." She 'used to' be able to carry stuff easily, but now, not so much. The physical limitations are just that---limiting.
I remember how I 'used to' do many things on the job sites including demo work, nailing drywall, stapling insulation, nailing floors, staining and varnishing trim, painting walls and ceilings, painting the exterior of our homes. I used to be able to climb ladders, once even getting onto the roof of a house, but found myself unable to address the ladder when it was time to go back down! In those days, my husband was able to swing and lower me by my hood onto the rungs of the ladder. He 'used to' be able to handle me, as it were.
Some of the things I used to do I don't miss much but there are other things for which I do wish. One is to hear my son's voice. I can make that come true by having my video tapes converted to DVDs. Not sure what is preventing that, it's on me to make it so. I used to be able to Jazzercise, now it takes all my strength to move from chair to bed to car to place where I am going. That might be an exaggeration but not too far off. My joints complain and my back hurts. I used to be able to pack up a household in really good time, whereas now, I'd have to sit down every few minutes to accomplish the task. At least I can still tell others, the able-bodied, what to do yet!
I used to wear big, heavy glasses but after having LASIK surgery, I no longer have to wear those. However, I am at a point where glasses might now be necessary again, after 17 years. Hopefully not so heavy and I am sure so large, though that is presently the style people are wearing. We shall see (ha ha)! I never used to take afternoon naps but now I do, every time I can. I never used to procrastinate but now I do, much to my chagrin.
I 'used to' a lot of things, some of which I miss, and others I do not. I don't hate it yet as much my older friend does, but I imagine I shall some day.