Ahhhh....it felt so good to be back out at the pool. It's been about a week since we could sit outside and soak up the rays of that thing we used to know as "the sun". Some of my friends were out there as well and it was business as usual for us. Bob was one of those with me at the pool and we recapped the fun had at our Oktoberfest gathering from last Saturday. Man, that was a blast!
My neighbor, Sharon, took this photo of our sunrise this a.m. It is full of promise!!
Because the exercise class had been rained out all week long, Marlena held a make-up class. It was my job to send out the e-mail alert to those who usually come, and she had about 6 people show up. Plus me, who didn't get into the cold water. After the class the group chatted a while with three of us staying to have lunch. Judee, Nancy W., and I enjoyed lunch in the sun. This month's Club menu has WI cheese soup offered and I had some with my ham and Swiss sandwich. Oh my, it was good! Half of the sandwich came home with me, of course. Nancy took Judee over to see her dad's house which she wants to sell to see if would suit a client Judee has in mind. I am hoping that went well.
We were outside for a good portion of the afternoon with folks coming and going. Bill and Nancy M. came by and said they were going to look at some counter tops but if they got back in time, they'd come over to the pool. They are getting some company from MN so are in a rush to get their house ready for them. It's been a year-long project for them, renovating and fixing up, and great strides are being made.
Well, before Bill and Nancy could get out to the pool, it began to rain---SURPRISE!!! Big, fat fist-sized drops that were cold and painful when they hit. Yes, it was back into the house for me. I sent Bill and Nancy a text explaining my hasty retreat in case they came looking for me. It was fun while it lasted, though.
I am still enjoying leftovers from Saturday, today being the last day. Such a shame, but I just couldn't eat them all! Justin was not a fan of the sauerkraut or the red cabbage. I had polished off the remainder of the Geman potato salad already. We tossed the balance of the cupcakes as well, as neither of us liked them. Such a shame as over a dozen went into the trash. Justin is at Whitey's with his boss, his wife, and Jesse having appetizers so I am on my own. Guess I'll enjoy the evening and be done with it!