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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, March 21, 2008

No poop!

That's the text message I received from Justin just before worship last night. He dropped me off at church on the way home from the airport and continued on to my house to get my luggage up the stairs and situated, get his own car from my garage, and then drive over to Victory in time for Maundy Thursday services. Whew!! At some point he found time to let me know that Lynx had been a good kitty and used the cat box instead of my bed this time! When I was gone for my mother-in-law's funeral and cruise to Alaska in August, one or both of the cats had difficulties dealing with the self-cleaning cat box and took to using the guest bed and my bed instead......cats!!!! Anyway, Justin took a quick look around before leaving my house and determined "No poop" on the beds or furniture. Yeah!!!!
Justin and I left our hotel a tad earlier than we needed to yesterday morning, as I was concerned we'd run into heavy commuter traffic on the way to La Guardia. The very kind doorman was able to get us a private car vs. city cab to take us, for a set rate for the ride. We rode in a giant car, perhaps a Sequoia, which felt safer than some of the taxis did, less vulnerable.
Our flight was scheduled to depart around noon, but we found out there were high winds affecting the taking off and landing of the planes, causing long delays. One of the Delta agents pointed out the wind sock visible from the Gate where we were waiting, and it was sometimes pointing straight up toward the sky! Okay, we'll wait......
Finally, about three hours late, we made our way down the stairs, hopped on a shuttle bus and were dropped off at our plane. Up, up, up we go on steps into this tiny commuter flight. The pilot informed us there were long lines of planes waiting to take-off and we'd have to wait our turn. Okay, at least we're on the plane, right? Wrong!!! We got pushed back from the gate and sat on the taxiway, rocking as though we were actually in the air, being pummeled by the wind. We'd coast along a little bit, stop, coast a bit, stop....this went on for a while, and I saw the line of planes, thinking we'd be getting into the air soon.
We coasted along, stopped, coasted, stopped.....and I could see from the window that we were right back where we started!!!! I couldn't tell how long we were driving around, but it had to be about an hour or so. The pilot came on to report that a caution light had illuminated and maintenance was checking it out. Only a few moments later and we were backing out again. The pilot told us that he was working with traffic control to see if we could sneak into line, and I think he did just that.
Justin and I entertained ourselves during the wait and on the plane before taking off by watching "Scrubs" which was downloaded onto his iPhone (modern inventions!!). He'd purchased a splitter prior to this trip so that we could both listen/watch with separate ear buds. Wasn't that considerate of him? A couple times we'd burst out laughing, making the people around us look up, wondering what's so darn funny about sitting in the airport for hours and hours?!?!?!? I'm just glad he didn't have "Frasier" or "Seinfeld" on there or I'd have a net thrown over me and hauled off!
Oh, oh, I just got a warning from my printer that I need a new black cartridge if wishing to continue. Nuts! I had replaced the color one this a.m. after printing off several weeks' worth of my blog for Marian, my sister-in-law who manages to live without Internet. Didn't use the black color, though. As I write today, the copier is printing recipes from a Jewish calendar that Gretchen let me borrow, to study the Jewish holidays. Ethel wanted the recipes from the calendar so I'm trying to do that before I leave for WI. Have to go get a replacement cartridge when I am out and about. Dee just called to ask me if I was coming (Great Hang Ups) so that's just my opportunity to venture down the stairs and then back up again.....It's so worth it!
Bruce and Kristi were kind enough to drop me off after choir rehearsal last night, as Justin had taken my car home to deliver the luggage and retrieve his car. Get that? I knew someone would give me a lift! It was wonderful to sleep in my own poop-free bed again, and found myself under the covers just before 10:00 p.m. I didn't even know what time it was when I got home, just gave Lynx some ice cubes, grabbed a soda, and snuggled in. I watched an episode of Law & Order: SVU, which is not my favorite one, but it got me to sleep. Nice to wake up to the sun shining on me rather than hearing the sirens and honking horns in New York!
I also need to pick up a couple ring binders when I'm out today, as I am attempting to get some of the papers dealt with from my desk. Binders work better for me than do simple files, guess I feel as though they are contained or more accessible. Do you remember when I said I'd nicely stacked papers on the passenger side of my bed? Well, most of them are scattered on the floor around the bed, evidently in Lynx's way as she tried to settle in. I'll have to re-do them, as they were sorted by date and by organization---organization, now THAT'S a concept!
Today is Good Friday and will be spending the evening at church tonight. We rehearse our anthem before worship, with this particular song having two solo parts, both by yours truly. I hope my voice doesn't crack like it did during rehearsal last night. Jill will reprimand me if I criticize myself so will forgo that and just pray for the best!