Today I am washing my sheets which means I had to clean off my bed. On the 'passenger' side of the bed, among other things, lay a stack of Bible study sheets accumulated from my time in WI. In looking back at the calendar, I was able to take part in at least 8 Bible studies. I missed a couple opportunities when my sisters came to town so it could have been more. One day my sister, Lynn, and I even went twice!
Lynn was the leader of one of the newly begun small group classes which started meeting weekly at people's homes. The host of the group is not necessarily the leader. The pastor who preaches on the Sunday gives the leader a sheet of discussion points from the sermon which the gathered group go over. Then the leader reads what the pastor has provided as the 'answer' to assure everyone is on track. When I first heard about this I made a face, being a bit gun-shy about lay-led small groups. They can go off on tangents and become "Well, I think the passage means..." type of stuff. This particular class is not like that, not really room to do so.
The day of Lynn's class, she came to pick me up from Mom's where I had just been dropped off by a friend, Debbie, who had taken me for coffee earlier that morning. Whew! Whirlwind! The session was held at the home of Joyce, and there were four of us all together. At first I was quiet in the session, waiting for the other ladies to take the discussion where it should go, but then Lynn asked me to add my thought. She said, "That's why I wanted you to be here..." Give me an inch and I'll take a mile. I sure don't mind participating in discussion and I think we all benefited from the gathering.
The other classes included a Saturday morning class lead by a former LES teacher; two Sunday sessions following worship; a Tuesday afternoon class lead by the wife of a former missionary (she is well thought of by the Synod and students); two Wednesday nights we had a class lead by a teacher from the Lutheran high school about the mysteries of Genesis; and on a Friday, we had a pastor-led class about the book of Acts. Besides the Bible studies I was able to attend a sacred concert about the church year and my nephew's performance of a musical at their school in Howard's Grove.
Mom, Jill, and Angelo at the boy's school play
When I got back from WI, I was able to attend Bible study at Victory and did NOT miss our study of Isaiah 53, which had been my fear. Love that chapter and its discussion. At my own church we missed having Bible study on Sunday because of a meeting taking place, and none was held on Monday either. Glad I got to class again yesterday at Victory which has to hold me for a while. I am having withdrawal. In chatting with Linda this a.m. she was saying how her nail technician knew someone looking for daytime Bible studies in the area. Linda is the right one to ask about that. What a blessing it is for them to have so many opportunities. She is so thankful, as are Mom and Lynn who are attending Bible study right this minute alongside of Linda. Blessings galore!!