On this cold evening, I am in the comfort of my home watching the Jaguars play again. At least the other team is playing, the Jags are just running all over the field. I did see our member, Sterling, in the pregame salute to our veterans, as he plays in the Navy band. The guys all look the same in their Navy uniforms but he's the only tuba player! The team is playing poorly, losing now 15-0 in the first half.

It took until last night for Justin and I to have a piece of torte, as neither of us had felt much like eating after the terrible loss on Tuesday night. The torte, cherry cheese torte, turned out nicely, another no-bake recipe I have had for years. In fact, the first time I had it was at my friend, Sue Z.'s, house. This has to be 40 years ago, at the very least. Makes me feel old to write in decades!
Justin was off from work today and both rejoiced that we were able to attend Bible study together again. It has been a long time since he could and he truly missed this class. He is not the youngest at the table since Erica goes now, too. Justin wanted badly to hear what Pastor had to say after the elections, and we were not disappointed.
In addition to acknowledging our dismay, Pastor also offered us the assurance of the Lord being in control of all things, reminding us not to follow earthly princes, and so on. Nothing we did not already know, but it sure does help to hear these things from him, in his calming delivery. Now that he is a grandpa, he has the added 'concern' of what her future holds on earth and in this nation.
Justin lifted everyone's spirits by reporting the good news from Saturday---the IRS has decided not to pursue religious associations in regard to their tax exempt status. How that all plays out remains to be seen. Sadly, it would also help those churches remain tax exempt where the pastor calls for God to damn America. Nice, yes? NO!
The other day I had chatted with my friend via Facebook, after she had asked me to lunch. I explained I was making arrangements with my Bible history lady to meet somewhere in Middleburg for our classes to save on gas for Amber. "We will go next week one day", I promised her. Anyway, I had the privilege of meeting Amber in Middleburg at the house where a different lady friend babysits, which works great all the way around. It had been about five weeks since we got together, due to Amber's strapped financial situation.
Well, today, I came out of Bible study at Victory with Justin and Erica, where he pointed out a card attached to my driver's side window. We walked over to see what it was---a greeting card with two $50 gas cards in it "for your friend to get to Bible history class". Wow! The tears were flowing so hard that Justin had to drive! This same friend who asked me to lunch had bestowed this blessing for Amber because she says I am doing what she cannot do. We are all being blessed by this---the lady making the arrangements for the class, the gas being provided for, and the joy of being able to bring these stories, this History, to someone hearing it for the very first time!
Justin, Erica, and I went to PF Chang for lunch, something we'd not done for many months. We ate indoors due to it being winter here now (in the 50's!). Oh, that was so nice! I have another two meals left from mine but the young folks finished their meals. Both of them were going to the Jaguar game tonight and discussed the layers of clothes needed for this chilly night.
Once home, Justin got busy on a project I had for him of tightening the bolts on my headboard and foot board. Together we had to move the mattress and spring on the frame to allow for the tools to fit in. And, unfortunately for him, we pulled the bed away from the wall. Yep, go get the vacuum cleaner, Justin!
I cannot believe I live in such squalor! Can dust bunnies and other assorted dust be considered squalor? I say 'yes'! He muttered under his breath how I should have put down carpet and been done with it. Like carpet doesn't get dusty??? He knows it does but then I wouldn't see it so clearly.
The care and concern from others keeps on flowing. Linda and I were comparing notes tonight during The Five (we watch together, only 1200 miles and a time zone apart!). She remarked how many folks contacted her to see how she was after the results, and so on. The same was true for me as well, folks reaching out to share in the shock or tell their stories about dealing with it.
Anyway, tonight I shall sleep under freshly laundered sheets and on a tight bed. I will sleep tight!
The care and concern from others keeps on flowing. Linda and I were comparing notes tonight during The Five (we watch together, only 1200 miles and a time zone apart!). She remarked how many folks contacted her to see how she was after the results, and so on. The same was true for me as well, folks reaching out to share in the shock or tell their stories about dealing with it.
One lady left me a phone message that she had put her head in the oven, but then remembered it was electric! She was kidding, of course. Another lady left me a message to report she'd had to go shopping for chocolate to soothe her crushed spirits. A friend from MN sent me the text of a Reformation anthem she had led at their service Sunday. We were all helping each other as best we could, most often using the Word as our source of comfort and assurance.
Anyway, tonight I shall sleep under freshly laundered sheets and on a tight bed. I will sleep tight!