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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy ThanksLiving!

Last night when I greeted Pastor Hoyer at the doors of Victory, I wished him a happy ThanksLiving. He hesitated a split-second and then said, "Yes, happy ThanksLiving." All through his sermon he was using the phrases 'thanksgiving' and 'thanksliving', connecting the dots in our lives with lines, to see what picture is made. Of course, the picture should be Jesus when we are done connecting the dots. After church, I said to Pastor, "You must think I peeked at your sermon!" and he said, "Not's the natural thing to say..." I thought so, too, only never heard anyone else besides me use this expression!

Wednesday began very early for me, for some reason, as I found myself awake and awaiting the sun. The sky before the sun showed up was so magnificent a color, or colors, I should say, that it could have stayed that way all day! It looked like sherbet, the red and pinks, with some gold along the edge. (today is extremely foggy, not nearly as lovely to look out the window!). As the light made its way into my room, I could not help but notice that my bedroom floor was not what I would refer to as being clean---at all! I tolerated it staying that way until about 7:30 before fetching the dust mop and swishing it under the dresser. And then ended up seeing more and more and more that was missed the day before by Miss Sherri. The vacuum cleaner was hauled from the closet to finish the job and now all is well. The dust from the floor boards which were cut and put into place, added to the drywall finishing dust makes for dirty floors and dusty furniture. AND I have come to the conclusion that cleaning the room I spend the most time in for the last was not the best way to go! AND, as I have told Martie regularly over the years, if I wanted my house cleaned perfectly, I would do it myself!!!! On the upside, Miss Sherri, when presented with her check at the end of the day, gave me a big hug and said, "Now I can pay my utility bill.."

Sherri also told me I could call her if I found some things which were missed so I will give her a call to have her come back to put the finishing touches, or the beginning touches, on areas missed. The floor in the back bathroom, the scene of the Great Flood, is still dirty with saw dust, which I noticed behind the toilet the same day as the cleaning, and Mike found saw dust behind the bathroom door when he was grouting the crack between the threshold and tile yesterday.

Once I had my blog posted yesterday from Tuesday, delayed due to technical problems, I spent the rest of the day at the desk. Work was progressing on the church newsletter. Judy C., my BFF, was going to get me information she had written up about chrismons, which we wanted included in the newsletter. Judy, a novice when it comes to using the Internet and doing e-mails, had me talk her through how to attach a file to an e-mail but it still would not work. Later, her son came home and showed her how it is done. Once the article arrived, I was able to add graphics of the some of the symbols used for chrismons, which will hopefully allow folks to better understand why 'we' do the things we do. Our Ladies' Group had a few heated discussions regarding when and how to decorate the sanctuary this year (yikes, what next?) so this might serve as a bit of enlightenment regarding the importance and value of the ornaments used on our tree. For the newsletter, I am yet awaiting times for special services for CHRISTmas and if I do not hear otherwise, will simply put the time in the newsletter as TBA. The candlelight service time is different just about every year with the children's service staying the same. Also waiting for the information regarding Bible study for the rest of the year and into New Year.

One of the people hosting a table for the Ladies' Advent Service, Sandy, called me yesterday to report she had taken a tumble and has to stay off her feet for a week. Oh, oh! I sent out a special request to the congregation for someone to take up Sandy's table hostessing duties, with Janet coming forward. She is already playing all the music, some with Suzanne, for the service, but since she volunteered, well....It is great to have it now covered, one less thing with which to concern my head.

Late afternoon Mike came by to finish some grouting, as I mentioned earlier, and then asked if we could have a talk. You have to be nervous when your Elder requests a meeting, but not really. We talked for over an hour, perhaps longer, time flies when having good discussions. It was great to share some of the important information garnered from the School of Worship Enrichment, discussing the value of education and the need for successful communication, etc. He said he would like to look at the information and the report we ladies are putting together, and I hope he can. We also compared some notes on the folks who receive contact through me as well as from the Ladies' Group Sonshine Committee. As best I could, I introduced him to some of the names on his contact list, some of whom are shut-ins or members away. Time flew by!

After he left, I had to get myself ready for church, but did have plenty of time before leaving. On the ride over, I called Mom, who was just getting into the house with some purchases. She had sort of forgotten about celebrating Gabe's birthday later today at Lisa's, after the feast, so Lynn and she went shopping when Lynn was done working. Instead of going out to eat for dinner, though, Mom opted to go home and just have something there, as she was making her dish to share for today's feast. She did not know who was coming when, as Kerry and Lori with family are heading toward Manty or Sheboygan for the holiday. Kerry does not like to drive at night so she might not head out until first light today from Oshkosh. Alayna made it home on Tuesday night already, and was waiting for her daddy to get home from deer hunting. She reported last night that he did not get a deer yet this season.

At Victory last night, following the service, they had a pie and ice cream social. Oh, yum! I sat with Stephanie, Erica, Megan, and a nice young man named Timothy. Stephanie brought raisin pie, which I dearly love, and I was able to bring a couple slices home with me, plus a pumpkin bar for Justin. We were talking at the table about my blog, with both Stephanie and Erica reporting that they read it. I had no idea! Timothy, about 15, could not believe I write a daily blog of what goes in "A Day in the life of .....Kim!" but the ladies and I assured him I have no loss for words. Well, hardly ever...Erica, a lovely young woman in her last year of high school, claimed her life was so boring that she would never have anything to say. Timothy was still in doubt about how there can be enough to say, but somehow, I manage to drone on and on. As Stephanie wrote on Facebook Saturday, "You have the most adventures of anyone I know..." after Judy and I were towed off.

May you all have fewer adventures but make great memories today! "Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercies endure forever"!