Just cracked open an ice cold Diet Coke for breakfast, having finished the can begun last night, and it tastes so good! Only a year ago I was determined to wean myself off of Diet Coke, and up until the Great Flood, I had done quite well with the water drinking being added to my consumption of beverages. Somehow I do not drink fewer sodas during the day and do fully intend to add the water back in, one of these days. Perhaps I should begin with bottles of water and see if that helps. Judy J. has encouraged me to taste Propel but it is not that much less money than soda, and given the choice of funky flavored water or soda, I take soda! There is also the Mr. Tea maker on my kitchen counter which could make me flavored water as well. Jessica asked me one day which I prefer to drink: tea or water? Oh, water, hands down. She said, "Well, then, drink the water instead!"
More than once I have 'complained' about the non-news items on the weekends on "Fox and Friends", but today is jam-packed with news. War games in Korea, a terrorist bombing attack foiled in OR, and PresBO getting an elbow to the face requiring stitches. The last item is right up there with choking on a pretzel when watching football like happened with W.
Another interesting subject was a study showing folks entering midlife crisis mode much earlier in their lives than in previous studies, and the 'doctor' being interviewed attributed this to stressers. It would seem that folks find themselves under a financial burden from the sad state of the economy, are depressed, and what not. So, between the ages of 35-40, which is younger supposedly than typically recognized as being 'mid-life', men and women are experiencing their crisis. I wonder, then, what differentiates a financial crisis from a mid-life one? The interviewer made the quip about going out to buy a Porsche, which would not be possible in a financial crisis. Calling depression something a bit more socially acceptable is not the wisest way to handle it, if you ask me. People just sort of dismiss mid-life crisis when it is often an offshoot of some thing deep-seated and troubling to the sufferer, causing them to make foolish decisions. Usually not funny decisions.
Justin found an interesting product on-line the other day. Leave it to American ingenuity to come up with special undergarments to wear when going through the new scanners at the airports. When viewed by the screeners, the text of the 4th Amendment is able to be read due to the type of ink used when printing it on the fabric. This was available on T-shirts and men's undies, which would cover your private parts, so to speak. In case you did not remember, the 4th Amendment deals with 'probable cause' and unlawful search/seizure. It was touted wildly when AZ supplemented the federal illegal alien laws with one of their own, but now, that amendment is being sort of forgotten, all in the name of security.
In other news----not too much is being made of the brewing problems in Korea, nor with the devaluing of our currency in Russia and China, but yes, please, let us see the Victoria's Secret Holiday underwear. This stuff is making me grumpy, perhaps I need to go back to sleep for a few more hours. But, I am done, waking on my own around 6:30 this a.m. which is much later than the last two previous mornings.
On the bright side, I had the most marvelous conversation with Linda J. on the phone last night, as I had soooooooooo much to talk to her about! Much of the day yesterday, for me, was spent catching up on missed programs and such while working on the Ladies' Advent Service, hearing interviews with two authors on two separate programs, plus one I heard a second time on a radio show when I was heading to lunch at La Nop (no tow-away this visit!). While I stink at reading, I am determined to get and read these books, one written by a West Point graduate who lost his eyes due to a bomb blast and how the Lord has gotten him through and to his present role as instructor at WP. The other book is by the governor of LA, talking about leadership and such. My kind of reading! Linda is a book collector AND reader, having about six different books going at one time.
Linda told me about the great fun she had with her three granddaughters during ThanksLiving, keeping the older two through the weekend. She might be taking them to The Read Apple, owned by a former teacher at FG, a shop which sells learning tools and books. Linda is going to look for a certain type of Bible story books and if she finds them there, will pick up a couple for me to give Gabe and Manny. Her little grands, 7 year old twins, were very much enjoying some books they found at "Nina's" so Linda is going to check with Pam to see if they came from The Read Apple.
Part of the day, besides my lovely lunch with Tracy, Cassidy, and MamMa, was spent getting the last things ready for the Ladies' Advent Service. Today I will put the items into gift bags, even getting a nice bag from Jessica when I picked up her lovely white robe last evening. I feel badly saying this but I sort of cannot wait until this event is behind me. It has been quite stressful and I came very near to cancelling when only 4-5 names were on the list to attend. Miss Carol persuaded me to continue with the plans, that even a couple ladies gathered together would be a lovely event. We now have enough names on the list for three tables so I am going to do an extra table just in case folks come who have not signed up. I am also hoping Justin will come by today to help me carry some of the items to the car.....and then come back on Monday to help me put them away again!
When I notified folks of my flight itinerary, including Justin, he called me to ask if he should take me to the airport. Sure!!!! And then he said that he would come to church with me, and we would leave from there (thinking the Advent Song Service that Sunday was at GS). I was incorrect about it being at GS, the service will actually be at Victory that day so he can take me from there. I wonder if he knows he will miss the football game that day....or perhaps it's an away game. One second, I will check----yes, it is an away game. No worries then, he can listen on the radio until he gets home again after 'dropping me down' at the airport. Timmy used to say 'drop me down', so it stuck.
Besides wrapping up my 'presents' for tomorrow's event, gathering table decorations, and such, I plan to go out to Great Hang Ups in support of Small Business Day. Likely I will not stay for an hour as I usually do, but at least lend them some support in a small way, or a large way, in my case!