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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cold once more

When I was driving to Bible study this a.m., I told my mom how it turned cold here again, that I was not dressed for cold weather. She reported it to be 18 above zero where she was. That did not comfort me one bit, and I reminded her that she would actually dress for that temperature, where I had failed to do so for our temps in the low 50's. It was 37 overnight, but warmed up presently to 55 above. She has to dress much more warmly for her temps than I do for mine, but I am a big wienie! I guess because I do not watch local news it is a big surprise to me when I open my door to go outside. Brrr.....Looking forward to the high 70's of next week!

I have been alone at home (except for all the workmen in the building) since yesterday morning. Justin did come in after work Wednesday but then had to leave again as he found out he was needed sooner than expected for dog sitting. Justin didn't think he had to be on dog-duty (doody---te he he!) until Thursday. Good thing he called his father or Mickey would have been quite upset! 

This weekend the guys are moving Ron into the new house and Justin will have to take Mickey with him to the house. He is thinking he will tie him in the yard but I reminded Justin that Mickey is quite the Houdini. Perhaps there is a crate Justin can use part of the time. This timing could not have been worse.

Justin has been pulling stuff into 'launch position', including some of his bookcases and plastic bins, into the foyer. I hope no one comes to the door and sees this disarray. He has to buy a box spring for his mattress as he is switching away from his platform bed. The hope was to use his father's SUV for hauling the box spring this weekend, but, alas, that is not to be since the car is gone. My sincere hope is that all of his stuff leaves here with him and that my rooms are returned to normal again. But hate the thought of him leaving. Such a conundrum!

Next week Tuesday our church is hosting a choir from Martin Luther Prep. Folks have been asked to sign-up for hosting students overnight before they head up to GA. We will provide them a place to sleep and shower, breakfast, and a bag lunch for their bus ride. As of now, about half of the kids have been arranged for. If I had a larger car, I could take more, putting kids on the floor or on air mattresses, if need be. At some point phone calls are going to be made to ask folks to be hosts. One of the members who lives a distance from church has offered to put up the adults in a hotel nearby, which is most generous of him. I am eagerly looking forward to the concert and then hosting a few of the young folks. And making them breakfast!
This morning I had a conversation with a lady whose daughter-in-law worked as a nurse in a neo-natal care unit. She told me how the d-i-l had to cycle out of the unit after a while because it got to be too much for her. My friend told me something I cannot even fathom---more than can be imagined, parents of newborns who are in critical condition/premature, simply cannot face this baby, and abandon it. How is it I never heard about this before today? 
Here is my little nephew, Angelo, riding a bike at Wal*Mart. He spent a couple weeks in a NICU when he was born. Now he can ride a bike!

I have a friend who gave birth to her son about a month ago . She took him home and not two days later, he began having seizures, etc. He was rushed to the hospital first in OP and then to Wolfson Children's Hospital where they (mom and son) have been ever since. Thanks to Facebook folks can be kept up with the baby's progress, etc. It's impossible to imagine this couple simply abandoning their baby because they couldn't "take it". I wonder how prevalent that actually is---this abandonment thing. Perhaps it is more common among single moms who are young and have no skills in the first place. This sort of threw me for a loop when I heard about it. Tonight when I go to bed I will pray for Gage, and for all the babies in the NICU.