Today was a good Saturday-type day. Justin has gone downstate to visit his friends, riding with Jesse and his girlfriend, Chelsea. She had something to take care of at UF first and then they drove south to Tampa to visit a St. Johns friend.
Last night, for some reason, I went to sleep really early, but woke at my usual time. Linda was awake fairly early, too, so we had a chance to chat, having to catch up for the lost time spent in Chicago. We watched Fox & Friends together and I so loved the time! After she logged off to go and have breakfast with Tommy, I got up and dressed myself for the day. First order of business was my walk. Yes, my walk!
Last night, for some reason, I went to sleep really early, but woke at my usual time. Linda was awake fairly early, too, so we had a chance to chat, having to catch up for the lost time spent in Chicago. We watched Fox & Friends together and I so loved the time! After she logged off to go and have breakfast with Tommy, I got up and dressed myself for the day. First order of business was my walk. Yes, my walk!
The elevator takes me up to the 5th floor, where I walk end to end on the prominade before going down the stairs to the 4th floor. Once again end to end and down the stairs, using the handrails on both sides of stairway. This way, I take one step per foot instead of my usual both feet on the step as I go down, bending both the knees. This continues to the bottom floor and over to the mailbox, which today was empty yet. Or, did that start already to not have Saturday delivery?
I rode the elevator back up with my neighbor, Rose, and then took an Aleve, knowing my legs would be angry with me. For a while I worked at my desk before getting busy with the vacuum cleaner which Justin had gotten out for me before he left. I vacuum cleaned my bedroom floor, once I used the shammy mop under the bed and dressers. Lots of dust bunnies hiding under there---I knew it!! I just so prefer Justin would do this instead to spare my back.
Then I took the Swiffer and washed the traffic area of my floor. What a great smell that product leaves in the room! Besides working at my desk, I took time to clear things away in order to dust the top of my desk. Moving piles around, filing it after the dusting was done---hmmmm. Just when I thought I had it all filed, I noticed another stack which had been relocated. Shoot!
BUT, on a brighter note---I opened mail which had been ignored or buried on the desk. One was my statement from The Club, which I prefer to not look at but did anyway. The newsletter comes with the bill and I read it cover to cover to see if my account number showed up anywhere. And, sure enough, my account number was hidden in the newsletter!!! This means I get $25 off my statement. A note to The Club was quickly sent off to let them know I saw my number. Might never happen again so I will rejoice in it!
Another piece of mail, dated December 19th, featured a refund check for an over-charge on a fund transfer with one of my investments. It was non-specific to which transaction, just had some dates between August of 2011 and prior. Okay, I don't really care, but thanks for coming clean with me. I call that one successful day!
I could have done some more vacuum cleaning but will leave it for tomorrow. When I do that, it warms me up, and I will need that with our temps expecting to drop remarkably. One of my Facebook friends, Jay, reported we have a 10% chance of snow flurries. Oh my! This is terrible.
My meals since Justin left are leftovers, as I whittle away at the brats with peppers and onions Justin made Wednesday night. One more left for tomorrow, if the mood hits me. Also ate my remaining meat loaf from the Ale House with the homemade mashed potatoes Justin made for me the other night. What a guy!
There is still a container of cooked cabbage in the fridge, but I have decided to leave it for Justin, so he won't have to make anything more when he gets home. I hope he is able to keep to his diet while gone this weekend but something tells me that will be hard to do on a trip. Tomorrow will be a new start, with his cabbage waiting for him. I get the brat!