I had a few interesting things occur today which need mentioning. The morning began with water exercise class for which I went out about 30 minutes early. Before I could descend into the water our newer member of the class arrived. She asked me to please spray her back with sun screen as she couldn't reach and I accommodated her. Only now is she beginning to warm up to us and I cherished the opportunity to help her out and engage her in some chit chat. She had told me once before that she is basically wound far too tightly to enjoy relaxation. Coming to water exercise class during her 'lunch hour' is not one bit a social (yet!) event for her.
Last week Dr. M came over to me before the others arrived and said something, in essence, how she enjoyed class with me, found me entertaining and positive. I know this took much for her to approach me so I welcome her attempts to break the ice, as it were. This morning I told her it was my job to break the ice on the pool and shared the story of Marlena calling me once at the end of the season to break the ice off the top of the pool for them. I do have rules---No swimming when the water is too cold or when the sun isn't out. I've been flexible on the cloudy skies of late, but not so much for the cold water. Dr. M found it amusing and we spent some time chatting. She shared with me how she has no friends and only three contacts in her phone, including 9-1-1. I see a project there and can certainly fix her up with some more friends and contacts for her phone!
Sadly, after class was underway, M was way out in the deep water where she usually does her exercises when she let loose with a cry. She'd been stung on her thumb by a bee and was in considerable pain. Marlena applied some medication she has on hand for bug bites. The lifeguard gave her a frozen bottle of water to hold against the sore area after the two ladies used tweezers to pull out the stinger. (I got goosebumps up my arms thinking about this just now!) M put her cover-up on and left. I sent her an e-mail this evening asking how she was doing but haven't heard back from her. We all hated for this to happen to Dr. M.
After class was over, I dripped for a bit before changing my clothes to run errands. My first errand was to get Justin's license plates renewed for him, for his birthday. Going to the DMV is a thrill, such interesting people sitting in the seats waiting for their number to come up. The receptionist gave me my number and I asked her how long the wait would be, explaining I had an appointment elsewhere at 2:30. She thought it would be 10-15 minutes which was fine with me. I got situated in the seats, two seats over from a lady with a purse which was actually a metal lunch box with Betty Boop on it. She mentioned that she heard me say I had an appointment and offered to trade numbers with me. That was so kind of her and I accepted her offer, she having no place else to be this afternoon. As it turned out, we both got done at the same time, but still, the offer was great and quite unexpected.
I got Justin's new tags and off I went to Fleming Island. I had to stop at the bank to pay my credit card bill, only to discover the Bank of America no longer operates its drive-through. I had to drive-through the drive-through to go around the building and come back to the front of the bank. AND get out of the car and actually go in to take care of my business. The teller greeted me by name, which surprised me since I only go there once a month to pay the bill, and he served me through the window. Anyway, he told me that there will be ATMs installed at some point which will be able to take payments. So, his job was basically morphing, if not going away completely, with this change coming into place. I told him I like speaking to people and having the personal touch, even if it's at the drive-through. He said that will soon be a thing of the past. Sad to know this...
The rest of my day will be detailed tomorrow, because I am getting drowsy at the keyboard. Sleep well, my friends, and see you in the morning!