While watching a program this a.m. about the mess in the European Union and the pressure building financially, once again I heave a great sigh of relief for my not moving to Greece or Italy. If I lived in Greece, the union rioters would surely disrupt my ability to move freely or have Internet service, as they set their own nation ablaze in order to have demands met. Never mind the nation has no money, the demands keep coming! And no Lutheran churches in Greece. Italy would have been more 'user-friendly' for me, the food more along the lines I am accustomed to, but also socialist in their governance. They are facing crisis with refugees leaving northern Africa to escape the lovely Arab Spring everyone is cheering about. Tell that to the refugees!
Therefore, I am good right here, simply waiting for the next pipe to break! This week I got a letter from my insurance guy, a copy of the letter he sent to the other insurance company, reiterating that it was not my fault that the pipe broke. Butch, the little guy who did the work for me that day and before, was working at someone’s home in the building the other day, and I greeted him as my ‘partner in crime’ since we are both listed on the law suit. But other than my life of crime, I am good.
Within the last week I have been part of a few EXTREMELY interesting conversations---some face to face, some over the phone, and some over the miles. Yesterday I got a call from someone with whom I recently spoke and was thanked for the insight and ideas and explanations (not excuses!) regarding what is going on around us. Some are things over which we have a bit of control (I prefer the word ‘manage’ to control, which can sometimes have a negative connotation), and can be corrected, or reversed, or at least neutralized.Other things are beyond our control or ability to manage. But we must keep in the forefront that the Lord is actually in charge of what is going on, and has done so from eternity. What a difficult concept that is to consider!!! And to keep in our minds and in our hearts....
In keeping my ears tuned to the current events around the world and closer to home, not all of it about finances, it seems so obvious to me what needs to be done. Because it is so simple, it is extremely complicated! And nearly impossible to achieve. Cost cutting, spending less, as one would do in their household, seems like a ‘foreign’ (ha, ha) concept to the governments, and to the governed, in some cases, as was evidenced in Madison earlier this year.
Folks often don’t realize the cause/effect of actions until it begins to affect them, and then the only answer is to react. Of course, one must spring to their feet, and some will, to help, and others to fight against the help. Now another stimulus bill is on the table while the legislative branch of our national government is struggling to cut spending (to reduce the amount of increases in spending---what????) and more ‘bills’ continue to be added to the stack.
Years ago, in our business, we had a slow period between houses, and some of the staff got a bit comfortable in their less-stressful mindset. Then, when new starts were coming in, the guy responsible for the purchasing of materials fell quickly behind and was being scolded regularly. He exasperatingly asked the boss, “Can’t we just stop everything and get caught up????” and the boss yelled back, “We were stopped!” What the purchasing agent should have been doing was preparing for the rush that was to come, get your affairs in order, the ducks in a row, and so on. But he failed to plan, which lead to failure. This young man was nice to work with for the most part, but my type of leadership, my encouragement, didn’t work with Jim nor did the other type of leadership he received. Stopping seemed to be the comfort zone in which he did his best work!
Where was I going with this? Oh, yes, stopping everything before disaster comes. It’s too late to stop moving forward but it is possible to stop the drain of funds, or the drain of spirit, as the case might be, from folks. Make the appropriate changes or cease the practices which are causing the problems. But, sometimes the problems are not shared by all, and then there is resistance from those not experiencing the discomfort to stop what is not seen as a problem. In Jim’s case, he left his position with our company and went to work elsewhere. Perhaps his work ethic would fly for another employer…For others, options are few or non-existent so staying the course or staying in the fight is the way to go, or complete surrender and resignation. Somehow, those last two options are not entirely appealing!