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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Who is who?

On New Year's Day I spent some time going through a couple bags of stuff my niece, Alayna, left for me at my mom's house. Evidently I had asked to see the stuff (mainly trip brochures and such) that her dad told her to give me. I sat down with these bags, having the recycling bin in front of me to dispose of the items. I thought the brochures were her dad's but they were actually my mom's stuff. What great fun that was! 

Not only were there maps and booklets and postcards, but a full packet of assorted photographs. I am so glad I did not pitch the entire contents without looking at the stuff, because the photos had precious people in them!

More of those photos are coming but the one above sent us into a state---the one on the left. At first glance everyone who looked at it said it was Lynn. But it is not! That photo is actually of my mom, taken on a bus trip she went on back in the mid-80's. Wow, what a strong resemblance they have! When we see recent photos of Lynn and Lori, we often have trouble figuring out which girl is it. I still can't get over this duo, though! The photo on the right is Lynn, holding Alayna as an infant.

Settling into routine

My dishwasher is hard at it already this a.m., as I am right on schedule for doing the cleaning of cabinets. This plan was laid when I was without a dishwasher for a couple weeks in November. Great start to the new year, fulfilling plans made last year! 

On the actual New Year's Day, Justin told me he was going to his friends' mom's house for a traditional Southern meal of greens and black-eyed peas, etc. He did not know about this being a tradition or anything, just enjoyed the invitation. What Justin did tell me was that is supposedly 'bad luck' to use your household appliances such as the washer/dryer or dishwasher. Or vacuum cleaner, on the 1st of the year. He made use of all those machines on New Year's Day! So there!
The dinner he had on NYD was so delicious, he had to fight to have only two helpings. Justin is trying to secure the recipe for the Reuben casserole which was served. He wants to make it for us to have in the next few days. It sounds wonderful---made with corned beef, swiss cheese, sauerkraut, some type of sauce, and possibly served with a biscuit topping, or over pasta. He read me so many recipes, my head was spinning.

Yesterday was a drizzly, grey day and I wished to not go out, but needed to run to the bank (yay!). Justin had wanted me to get the items needed for the dinner but he was not able to get the recipe for me. I had tried to make an appointment for the groomer but she was booked solid. The soonest I can get in is Monday afternoon, so I have to walk around looking like this through the weekend. As Justin said, the Packer helmet will cover my hair for church...

My friend, Carol, is at her vacation home in the mountains but gave me a call yesterday. She had a question on the Prayer Chain request that went out the day before, a conversation which went on for well over an hour. I think we got it all straightened out!!! Actually I was telling her about all the lovely worship services I attended at FG, the music, ambiance, and so on. She asked me if I brought back the service folders and I assured her I had them, and will share!
Justin got some bad, or somewhat sad, news the other day---the house closing, the one he is moving into, has been delayed now another month! Oh, for heaven's sake! I am going to nag him until he gets that extra room across the hall straightened away. Awful awful mess! 

He told his hostess the other night how he had to get home to vacuum before I got back. "She has been gone three weeks, and it needs vacuuming again!" It is not my fault after all! Whew! He also told me, in a disgusted fashion, what a piece of garbage that electric Swiffer thing is that he bought for me to use. Justin tried to use it on the kitchen floor and resorted to getting the 'big one' out. I had a feeling it wouldn't live up to his expectation but I like that he thought he could be my helper that way. Not so heavy to lug around like the canister vacuum is, easier on my back. Speaking of which, I have to stop resting mine and go do some tidying in the kitchen!