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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Sunday flashback....

Sunday at church, I was busily getting things arranged on a table in the breezeway, one which I actually dragged out and set up. Usually I never mess with the long tables, for fear of aggravating my back, but this time I had to do it myself. No men were around yet.
Anyway, I heard shuffling behind me and turned to see Suzanne with her two kids, heading into the fellowship hall. It seems that poor Daniel had troubles with his shirt sticking to his chest. The villain? Syrup! Suzanne had often told me the smell of syrup reminded her of Timmy, because when he'd come into Sunday school and hugged her, he smelled of syrup! That child loved his pancakes and waffles, as does Daniel. She knew this information would trigger memories, which it did, but fond ones. Suzanne commented that Daniel does many things which remind her of Timmy (Daniel is the boy who was found sleeping with the knives in his bed!). Oh dear!

I'd rather take a nap---oh, wait--I did!!!

But, I didn't mean to! After getting home from Bible study, eating, and shopping, I checked my e-mails quickly and then retired to the family room to watch an episode or two of "What Not to Wear". The next thing I knew, something entirely different was on the TV, perhaps the program about the single women all living in a house in Miami----oh, oh, oh, I remember, The Golden Girls! Evidently I dozed off and missed most of WNTW. Must have been more tired than I thought!

We had a nice group of ladies for Bible study this a.m., no men showed up this week. The topic covered was about how to use the story of Mary and Elizabeth when discussing right to life decisions, arguing against abortion, and about when life actually begins. Remember, our study is "Being Prepared to Answer" when sensitive subjects come up in conversation. Janet shared a lovely story about her cousin who gave birth to an extremely handicapped child with brain damage. The couple kept her at home with them, would wheel her to the front of church for the children's sermon, read her Bible stories, and treat her as though she could process what they are saying. She said it's inspirational to others, witnessing (overhearing) the message of salvation being shared with their daughter. Brought tears, I dare say!

Six of us went to Longhorn for lunch and had a great time, everyone talking at once, of course. Jackie chided me about never finishing my meal, reminded me of Mom, because Mom always liked to say, "You're not going to eat all that!" Janet nailed it though, saying this way I don't have to cook anything for the next meal!! And, just call me a liar---Jackie didn't know that my family was coming!!! How did THAT happen???? Janet said she's anxious to meet Lynn, although I think she did when Lynn was here at CHRISTmas time.

Twila and Ellen were going to Hobby Lobby afterward and asked me to join them---fantastico!! Ellen is just getting started in the fun so needed some guidance on what tools and supplies to buy. Two novice scrapbookers in one week's time--such joy! (This is the last two words in "La Traviatta": Such joy!!) On the ride home I took a phone call from Lisa who was letting me know how much Gabe is enjoying VBS. First, he asked her to stay with him the first day, but once acclimated to the classroom, told her she could leave now. Well, how 'bout that? What a fabulous summer these boys are having!

Twila dropped me off at Longhorn to get my car and I headed for home. I'd meant to stop at the cemetery but got into the turning lane so was committed to going up Wells Road. Maybe tomorrow I'll get over there, if I have time. In the morning is water aerobics, followed by Ellen and me going up to Great Hang Ups to have some photos restored, and then lunch at Koko's. We are going to have a wonderful time! Ellen has a picture taken at her wedding where she's posing with her brothers and her mom, the only group shot she has, BUT, she's sticking out her tongue!!! I hope I didn't oversell Dee's abilities to make the appropriate restoration and put her tongue back into her mouth! I'd told Ellen how Dee was able to transplant my closed eyes with open ones in the photo taken with Giavanni, my friend from the Italian restaurant at Epcot.

I don't think I ever mentioned seeing the movie on Saturday with Justin.....We saw our "supposed" movie filmed in Santorini, and it was our own stupid fault having our expectations set way too high. The trailers showed footage only of Santorini, but the majority of the story takes place away from there! Oh, nuts! The movie was good, however, and I would watch it again, this time with modified expectations. Afterwards we went to Steak 'n Shake where we used coupons he had along with him. I had half my patty melt and fries, while Justin had soup and chicken sandwich. He relieved me of the second part of my melt.

We arrived at Victory about 30 minutes early so sat on the bench outside to wait, even though Brent invited us to come in out of the heat. Not a problem for me, I don't mind the heat. Pastor Hoyer is on vacation these past two weeks so between Brent and Joel, the services were handled. Both did fabulous jobs, and I let them know this.

After worship I stuck around to chat but Justin took off, having made plans for the evening with his friends. When the lights started to be turned off, we had to leave so I came home to watch the Jaguar game. It was still early so I joined my neighbors on the sundeck for a while. Hugh checked the TV listings and said he didn't see the game listed on the directory. Pat thought it might not be shown because it was preseason and I didn't bother checking either, merely assuming it was aired. There were four F-14 jets circling around the area, waiting to do the fly-over when the national anthem concluded. They kept coming around and around, and Hugh made us laugh by pretending to give them directions to the stadium, as though they were lost. It got funnier each time!

When it was time to go upstairs, I turned on the TV and sure enough--there was the Jaguar game! I missed the first quarter so dived right into the spirit of the game. There were some bags left to be labeled for Travis so that's what I did while watching the game, at least until I ran out of bags! The Jaguars ended up winning at the very end, it could have ended in a tie and gone to overtime. The team looked promising but, of course, these games are intended to sort the keepers from the ones who are not, so I'd better not get too attached.
On another football story: After worship Saturday night, Brent told me that he had returned a Call to serve a church in Green Bay. He said, "Now Green Bay has lost two Brents!!"

Oh, it's nearly time to get ready to go!

Now, I'm as patriotic as the next person is but I am a tiny bit upset having the Olympics showing on the station where JAG is usually broadcast! I didn't realize a station other than NBC would have the Games, although I do know NBC owns USA. All these abbreviations!!! Since I don't ordinarily watch first-run programs, it was not going to be a problem having the Olympics on the broadcast network. Now, it is a "problem" because it's messing with my morning routine! I had no excuse but to get up and start my day instead of lolling on the bed in the sunshine. It's now time to be getting dressed and brushing teeth to head toward church for Bible study. I must be prepared to give an answer for the hope I have!
Thanks to all for sending your Comments! Remember please I answer them in the same Comment area.......
Blessings on your day today everyone!