I was in the middle of researching some patio finishing materials for the condo association when this warning flashed across my screen about a virus being detected and that some system was going to battle against it.....I am not sure if its legit or not, afraid of downloading some product or whatever that I will be compelled to buy. I've sent a text message to Justin but think he's still busy with his father. Have I totally compromised my system by not accepting the offer to purge the viruses???? If so, I will miss you all terribly!!!
I don't know if I am compromised or not, but in speaking with Justin, he said he didn't load any virus protection when switching machines and loading new software. Perhaps I only assumed that the Norton from other computer would move with this one, not too savvy on my part. I was having unprotected surfing! Researching a product to use on our second floor sundeck after the ceramic tile is taken up.....wham!
Believe you me---I am going to find the best, cheapest method for treating the sundeck available, as we are being killed with assessments this year....more on that later.....
I have since purchased Norton and have it in place, hopefully it will corral anything that slipped in last night and I won't have any further problems. I bought more expensive package which allows me to backup some of my files, primarily photos and e-mails. I hoard those e-mails! You never know when you won't get anymore and have to re-read the old ones just to stay alive!!!!
Time to go to the dentist to be patched up after last week's root canal. I had the appointment moved from 2:00 pm to 1:30 pm...and this a.m. they called to see if I can come at 10:00 a.m. I am nothing if not flexible!