As promised, the policeman came back yesterday to deliver my Court paperwork to me. He was quite nice, explaining what I need to do and in what time frame it is to be done. I wished him a sardonic Merry CHRISTmas and we both had to chuckle about the whole thing. Certainly I am not the only person receiving a summons yesterday. I expressed to him that we have a good and gracious God who is going work all things for the benefit of those who love Him. Maybe that stuck with him the rest of time he spent ruining peoples' days. Not a very satisfying job but great extra money for process servers.
*The paperwork was forwarded to my attorney for her perusal and then we'll most likely need to meet to come up with a counter suit. The whole thing is so unreal, what's all supposedly taken place in four years since we settled the end of our marriage. This never should have been revisited, it was a done deal as far as I'm concerned.
On the bright side, as there is always one, my dear friend, Joanne, is considering coming back to stay with me, since the place where she was living is going into foreclosure. What next???? Please, Lord, please, have mercy on us and turn this economy around again! Joanne and I have to work out some details yet but she's been busy putting together a major real estate deal (the Lord does answer prayers!) and has to focus on it before anything else. I told her I didn't want a "mercy" roommate, she can come if she wants to, not because it would help me out. It will be mutually helpful, certainly, and I don't bother anybody by hanging out in my room. Which is the point I make to friends who say they don't want me to sell this condo. I can make a home no matter where I live.
Justin said the sweetest thing when he was here yesterday. I told him about receiving the paperwork and we were sad together. We talked about options and such, and I told him that Joanne might be putting my condo on the market. I expressed to him that I didn't want to "de-Kim" this house like I did at the lake house when it was for sale. The painter had to come in and cover the garish colors I'd used in a few rooms to make it more "friendly",(i.e. generic) for buyers. He said he didn't think I'd have to do that at this house since the colors aren't outrageous, and Justin described my home as having "a classy look"! Wow, thanks, Justin!
Once again, the thoughts are crossing my mind to buy a place in Manitowoc, for more than the noble reason of making a home for Mom. It might be a way for me to start again, run away from the shame of being knocked down a peg or two, and freeze my tail off. Now, remember folks, I'm on no sleep here, no sleep ("Seinfeld" reference) so my thoughts are not as clear as they could be. Maybe I have a call of my own to answer, maybe a church in Manitowoc needs someone like me, or a church secretary or a church busybody........
Enough about that, let's talk about the river. For the first time since TS Faye, the water level is so low that I can see the sand barrier both up close to the building and the one further out in the basin. A log or piece of a dock is poking up out of the water outside the basin, looking almost like the hull of a sunken ship. It is perfectly calm out there, good jet ski weather (oh, why did I bring that up???), after a rainy night. I don't think the rain falling kept me awake but I wish it would have lulled me to sleep.
Justin is going to come this weekend and help me decorate the tree and a little bit of the house. Because I am going to be gone much of the season, I've decided to not decorate as much as I normally do. Other than a dinner party here next week Tuesday, I won't be having any parties here, boo hoo! My sister, Lynn, is coming down for the Packer/Jaguar game which is on the 14th so that is something to look forward to. Last year she was here, too, with Lori, David, Dusty, and Alayna. Lynn and I will then be traveling back to Manty together on the 18th so we can see Gabe in his first CHRISTmas program!
In looking through the calendar of events for this area, the most likely thing we'd do, besides our expensive football game, is the Nights of Lights in St. Augustine. The Nutcracker will be performed at the Times Union Center plus The Messiah but the tickets for those shows are nearly sold out already. Lynn and I will have to sit around in my condo playing endless games of Old Maid! She is not really crazy about playing Scrabble and I don't have the DVR any longer, I am DVR-free! Perhaps we can use my library card to go get a movie or two to watch, or even go to the theater for a show.
The other day I was lamenting to Justin that I felt sort of a let-down this year because it didn't seem so busy. That was, until I started ticking off my schedule for the first couple weeks: Ladies' Advent Service on Sunday, Monday Ladies' Group CHRISTmas party, Tuesday Art Guild party, Wednesday is choir and Advent worship, Thursday is free, Friday is The Musicale CHRISTmas chorus, Saturday is the Trunk Sale at Great Hang Ups with Kevin the glass artist for which I am hostess, and that night is a show at Thrasher-Horne with one of our members performing in the OP Chorale. Guess that's a busy enough week, and weekend! Sunday is the Youth Group Party at Pastor's house and Kathy and Brian wish me to attend. I guess they want to take me on in "Dance Dance Revolution"!!!! What am I feeling "let down" about? I guess it's because only one event is being held at my house, as compared to last year's busier hosting schedule. It just happened this way, not by plan, certainly.
Justin also told me yesterday that the carpet cleaning was completed and the Realtor came through to do her inspection. She determined they didn't get the bathtubs clean enough nor the stove top made shiny and nice so professional cleaners are going to come to make it sparkle. Nuts! That cuts into our security deposit funds, and I hope equally so. Just as the carpet cleaning must be shared equally. Once the JEA bill comes in, I'll be able to put the numbers together to settle it up.
Here's a rib tickler for you----while I was waiting for the policeman to come back with his paperwork for me, my doorbell rang. As I opened it, there stood another man in uniform, a fireman, this time. This was a surprise because I didn't expect him to be a process server! And, he wasn't! Instead, he handed me a piece of paper, inviting me to come and have lunch, courtesy of the Fire Fighters Association. I told him, "Oh, I like lunch!" and then, upon a closer look, saw that the luncheon was at the Senior Citizens' Center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ouch! I said, "You're inviting me to the Senior Center????" and he said, "We're delivering these to all the Units here, ma'am." The least he could have done is call me "Miss"!