...well, almost over. My nose is still numb, my lip feels fat making it difficult and a little humorous for drinking from my can. No straws! Gentle swishing when brushing my teeth and no spitting, let gravity remove the tooth paste. And don't eat peas (it seems they slow healing??). Otherwise, I am good to go with most other foods, with only a few limitations for a while. That is the good news...
The less than good news is that when Dr. Smith was carving around in my gums at the end of my tooth, he came upon a surprise. Instead of just bone or whatever he was cleaning out, he found a mass. No one likes to hear that! This includes me. Oh my!
Afterwards he talked to me about everything he worked on, explaining that he found more than expected, and by law must send it to UF for analysis. In his two decades of doing this type of work, he has seen only 3 or 4 results which were not benign, and of those, he could tell by looking at the mass what the situation was going to be. He truly believes mine is going to come back as being inflamation build-up and that is what we are going to hope for.
Part of me wants to be totally upset by the waiting, but the rest of me is confident in his history with these things. It will be two to three weeks before we get the results back, but Friday I return to have the sutures removed. As of today, I don't like surprises!
I was sent off with a prescription for pain medication which I took to Wal*Mart to have filled. Strangely enough, the pharmacist announced they had neither the name-brand nor the generic medication on hand. And they sent me on my way! She told me to check around at other pharmacies, but this medication is well-known. How odd!
Truly I didn't feel like shopping around but went to CVS just down the parking lot where they could not have been nicer. The pharmacist himself handled my order and seemed to hurry it up knowing I was still numb from my dental work. I tried to say my phone number but it came out blubbery. He laughed and found it on the paperwork. I think I was smiling back, but I don't know for sure!
As of right now, my top lip is still numb but the gums seemingly having feeling back again, I am doing okay. I trust that will continue throughout the day. It is recommended to use a towel on my pillow for sleeping in case I drool and some blood comes out. Guess folks have had some problems with ruining their pillows or something. I go pretty easy on myself over things like this but will follow his recommendation.
He said to make sure I eat, no matter what I feel like, as my body needs the nourishment for healing. Good thing I made that big batch of ham salad yesterday using some of my leftovers from Sunday.
On another note, the air is thick with dust today as the guys are trying to clean up the area using leaf blowers. I can see the footprints on the tile in the courtyard and into my house. I am less okay with the dust than I am with drool on my pillow for some strange reason...