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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, November 3, 2008

In Christ Alone: Part II

Sunday, after listening to our musical trio, our worship service began. We sang many wonderful hymns, heard a great message reminding us what the Reformation was about, shared the Lord's Supper, a truly edifying service!

After church, I greeted again at the door, dispensing my postcards to the ladies as they went past. My little heart was just going pitter pat with anticipation about the next service at 4:00 p.m. Kathy and I discussed our transportation arrangements for the ride to Victory. The choir had to be there well ahead of time for rehearsal with theirs which didn't allow a whole lot of time between events. Paul and Emily were behind me as drove down Blanding and onto Wells. Remember we had a time change the night before........they asked me to join them for lunch at Smokey Bones. At first I gleefully accepted because what could be more wonderful than having lunch with dear friends?!? But, then, I looked at my car radio clock and it showed I'd have barely more than an hour before I had to be home for Kathy to come for her ride, so I declined, sadly. It wasn't until I got upstairs at my house and looked at the stove clock to see I'd have had plenty of time to have lunch AND a nap before leaving for Victory! Ugh! Kathy helped me re-set the clock in the car by digging out my Owners's Guide and follow the steps. Hers was easier to do, all she needed was a pen tip to push the button until the time was re-set.

Instead of having lunch with Lawcock's I ate my leftovers from O'Charleys while watching the Jaguar game. Evidently some people from the stands were suited up in Jaguar uniforms, though, because these people had no idea how to play football! It was a sad, sad display of professional ball, and I am glad to know I didn't have to watch this entire display of wretchedness. Obviously, you can tell they lost, but not without a bench-clearing brawl based around one of the Jags players. To say the Jags didn't show up is not only a cliche, it is also a headline in the papers!!
Rush just ended his show with the admonition: It isn't over! Don't give up!
Kathy and I arrived at Victory almost on the minute to being in time for the scheduled rehearsal. Only a couple people were there from Victory, but the Good Shepherd choir had good showing. We were ready! People started to come in and we got to work, first with placement on the steps in front of the altar. Of course, I'm a front row girl, being short and round and soprano. There were a total of three first sopranos and two seconds but we carried it strongly, in my opinion.
We ran through the four pieces once each, the first time Victory's choir had been directed, this being our very own Maestro, Robbie. And he did a fabulous, fabulous job, so professional-looking, skilled, I can go on and on!!! The most exciting piece was, needless to say, "In Christ Alone", which sounded just beautiful in the echo chamber of their sanctuary as well as having Rachel accompanying on the grand piano. Wow! I hope they got it recorded for us so I can listen again and again! It was going to sound different when the room had parishioners in it later on. After our practice run, the Victory folks rehearsed their tone chimes. When Justin arrived, I went scooting up to him and we hugged each other. I told him, "I am sooooooo 'cited!" He said, "I can tell, you have a glow!" Yes, I did, and a bit of that was from standing under the lights in front of church! Many complimented me on my sweater choice, one I picked up in Manty at Shopko, so am quite glad I wore fuscia and that I had fuzzies on my blue pants!!!!

While the church was not full by any means, G. S. had a great showing including Judy J. and Twila. In fact, we even had to share service folders. At first Twila didn't think she could make it but Judy offered to drive so there they were. I'd have just hated it if she'd have missed this service, and said today, she was glad she didn't miss it either.

All our musical offerings went quite well, especially with the viola and trumpet joining the piano on some. The 'piece de resistance' was, of course, the anthem "In Christ Alone". Robbie steered us through it masterfully, with all the proper crescendos and pianissimos. When we were finished, I looked to the back where one of the members was standing and he gave the thumbs up signal in our direction. His wife was next to me, but I don't think he was gesturing to her specifically. It was fabulous, what more can I say!? And to know this hymn was being offered at locations all over the map: Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota for sure, because Judy R. reported hearing it sung at their Reformation service as well. At the close of the service, Pastor Hoyer remarked that he was of the opinion that if Martin Luther were still with us today, this hymn would be one of his favorites. After the service Judy J. came up to me and said, "I am going to have to change my funeral hymns!", a comment I've heard alot since folks hear this anthem. Gotta love it!

This is a shot taken by Justin from his seat which is why it is not more clear. On the far left you can see Robbie's hand in "cut-off" mode while the choir is singing from the new Christian Worship Supplement. In the foreground are the bell chimes which are pretty just lying there. Something must have been messed up on the camera because it made me look quite fat! But, with a glow!!

Justin also gave a good review, which, from him, comes with some difficulty. He inherited the gift, unfortunately, for not always being merciful or for being less than complimentary when it's needed. Just when I think a painting stinks and am ready to tear it up, he sees a good piece, so I guess it works both ways. Anyway, he liked it, and shook hands with Robbie afterward in congratulations. I, instead, squeezed the stuffings out of Robbie, The Maestro!!!!

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner put on the ladies who hosted us, good, German-style foods in keeping with the celebration. Bill and Sandy from my church did a slide presentation of their trips to "Lutherland", Germany which we watched as we ate. I had gotten moved to the front of the chow line because I was the only person with a camera. The ladies wanted photos of their pretty tables before they got torn apart by hungry Lutherans! Justin and I were separated then but I found him in the narthex talking with Anne Hoyer's mom. I heard him say, "Here she is" as her mom was asking about me. She is so full of life, and always asks about my mom when I see her. Justin found me at the table and enjoyed our meal and the slides. It was at the table I heard from Brian that somehow or another Suzanne's sheet music, or part of it, vanished from the music stand so she winged it without her notes, so to speak. She sounded magnificent, with or without her sheet music.

Justin left at the end of the evening, and Kathy and I decided to head out, too. Much to our amazement, it was raining. Not so much as to affect our travels but enough to make it yukkier driving back. Getting closer to O. P. the rain was quite a bit lighter so only annoying rather than disruptive. Kathy and I discussed the day's events as well as "The Piano" movie I borrowed from the library. She liked it better than I did, I think. You know, it's no wonder the lady at the library said that she'd be interested to hear what I had to say about it, and I can see why.

It was so funny to me, when I got home and pried those shoes off, I immediately got into my nightie. It was only 7:15 !! No, no, no, it was too early to go to bed! Instead I went into the family room and got comfy on the loveseat. I called Mom to check about their Reformation Rally, and I can't even tell you what was on TV. Must have really been noteworthy!

Now is not too early for an afternoon siesta so will retire with my heating pad to watch some TV before going to Ladies' Group tonight. The Minutes are printed and ready to go. Pastor called to tell me he wouldn't be there and asked if there was anything I needed brought up. We talked about a couple things and then he said the devotional service chosen for the Ladies' Advent Service was very good, so now I can finalize the plans. Less than a week before Judy gets here................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Christ Alone

What an absolutely amazing day we had yesterday! Other than waking up far too early in the morning, due in part to the time change, I was like a bride on her wedding day! The night before, I'd laid out some clothes for church plus another outfit for the afternoon service, but when I looked at my blue slacks, I noticed they were blue with white fuzzies. Instead of singing the Crystal Gayle song of "Don't it make my white bras, don't it make my white bras, don't it make my white bras blue....." like I usually do, I had to sing another ditty about washing towels with navy blue slacks! "Kim's sister, Lori," as she is affectionately known, would have a royal fit if she knew I did such a thing. I need to get a sweater shaver or something to de-lint my pants before I can wear them confidently. I am SOOO above sorting clothes, I dig my heels in about it, but then, have to change my wardrobe plans when something goes terribly wrong!

And, really, what could be more terrible than fuzzies on pants?

Before church I created, printed, and then cut about 60 postcards to invite the ladies of church to the Blu Grotto next week Monday night, our Ladies' Group Social outing. Yippee! I managed to distribute them all, even though some ladies said they don't do this kind of thing any longer. At least they were semi-formally and personally invited! Instead of buying the pre-scored and perfed postcards from Office Max, I've switched to using card stock and cutting them apart myself using my scrapbook tools. It saves lots of time with formatting and such, plus the extra cost for the specialty papers.

I arrived as Bible study was underway but was able to reach in the back door for the easel and bulletin board for standing in the breezeway. There are postings on the bulletin board and I like to catch people's eye as they enter the Fellowship Hall in case they don't check the bulletin board inside. It still surprises me when someone will say to me: "I never knew about that!!" when they miss out on an event or what have you. Or here's another one: "I never look at the bulletin board." Okay, why? Isn't that only shooting ones' self in the foot then? A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing, but even a little bit could get you to the Blu Grotto!!!

After Bible study I dug out my Greeters tag because the fellow who was on the schedule wasn't there yet. In the Fellowship Hall the Sunday school kids were busily finishing their Reformation projects and I got to see some of the completed pieces. The room was crowded with coffee drinkers and kids and, yes, fellowship! I grabbed my soda and went out side to greet.
Oh, I have a digression------on the way to church I stopped at Sonic for a drink. When ordering I asked if the pumpkin sticker was still in effect and Brenda said it was. As I pulled up to the window she told me I was on the "permanent" button on the cash register as a regular morning drink stop! Well, what do you know about that? All I have to say when I order my drink is that I have a sticker and that gets me my 44 ounce diet Coke for half price. What a blessing that is in days when I am cutting back on expenses!!!! I'd rather drink soda than eat food, but don't make me prove it.......

Back to the church: I greeted at the doors without a partner but when I heard "In Christ Alone" being played, I popped the door open to listen. Fausto was ushering and he offered to greet for me so I could come in and hear Robbie on piano, Suzanne on viola, and soloist Brian present the anthem for pre-service music. I knew they were going to do it because Pastor asked me earlier when the choir was singing today. I told him we weren't singing at Good Shepherd so he found out what the scoop was from Brian. Of course, it was just lovely and I wish more had already been in church to hear it.

Because of my wardrobe malfunction that morning, I had to wear my other black shoes which by this time were killing my toes. After taking attendance I went to sit down right behind Lawcocks. Poor Sarah had the jimmie legs and couldn't find a comfortable way to sit, stand, crawl, climb, or settle. Emily went over to the preschool and found some coloring pages for Sarah but even the pages had little relief. She's too old now for going into the nursery, going to be 4 years old on the 22nd. Can you believe it, those who know her???

We sang the great Reformation hymn, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, which makes me think about Gerry Rubbert, our member who died two years ago. The congregation stood for the final stanza but Gerry would have stood through the entire "battle hymn of the Lutheran church"!