My home is now housing kids! We have gone to our respective rooms for the night, as they are tired from their day of travel, and I am just plain tired. Our time together began right after 4 pm when Michael brought them over here, after picking them up in Orlando. It worked better for the kids to fly direct from Denver, no risk of missing connections, etc. this way, as they are traveling without an escort this year.
Jacob, Jayson, Jackson, and Erryn were stunned by the heat and humidity, opting to go swimming instead of resting before dinner. We were going to The Club that night for dinner and Michael joined us. The dining was set up outside and indoors, but we chose alfresco seating. This buffet was really the way to go for three hungry boys and one hungry girl, plus the two adults. I was so happy to have some blue cotton candy and hand-scooped ice cream with strawberries and chocolate sauce for dessert. Just as we finished our main course, we had to dash inside The Club as it began to rain---of course!
When it had let up a bit, we all walked back toward my place, parting company with Michael, as he was very tired from his long day of driving to and from Orlando. Doing it again the next day was not going to be a picnic, either, as they are going to Universal Studios for the day.
When it was time for the fireworks, we all went down to the north end of the building to watch. All up and down the river were amateur and professional fireworks going off which the kids got a kick out of. Even more impressive was having the big barge pull up and blast off fireworks right before our eyes. We watched them in the rain and eventually it didn't matter. At last, the kids were cooled off---enough to sleep anyway!