The top of my desk was seen for brief periods this afternoon and early evening as I whittled away at the accumulation. At long last, the filing is done, that which has a place has been dealt with, and that which has no place, remains. In my 'work' office, these things would be in the Miscellaneous basket!
(Have you seen the commercial by Subaru where the little kids wash the car with the windows and sun roof open, even scrubbing the dashboard and controls with soap and toothpaste? Oh my! They are basically ruining the car, but the dad simply walks up to the car, and tells them they missed a spot. The premise is that the car survives because it is a Subaru and they will inherit this vehicle from him. It looks like a pretty new car to me, and these kids were doing damage to it. Personally, I would NOT shrug that off. Ugh!)
So, anyway, I got a lovely present yesterday. At church, Jackie gave me another of the laughing cards she gave Gretchen for her birthday this year. Because I liked it so much, Gretchen gave me the laughing card to enjoy at home, so now, I have 2! Jackie figured I would need a back-up in case the battery fails on the original! Now it sounds as though I have a full audience laughing at my jokes. Thanks for feeding the problem, Jackie!!!
Justin had a very short day work day today. With the weather changing, some places go to an every-other-week schedule. This afternoon he went to get a haircut and looks very nice, though he did not want it this short. It will grow back, sooner than he wants, probably.
Justin and I stayed in tonight and polished off some leftovers for dinner. He and I were talking about tomorrow night's debate. He is wildly excited about it, and hopeful. Since I have BIC at Victory, I told Justin that I would try to leave the class at 8:30 in order to get home in time for the beginning of the debate. Strawberry pretzel torte anyone?
Justin vacuumed my bedroom for me tonight, something for which I am most grateful. We are having an infestation from outdoors of teeny tiny flying insects which somehow make their way through the screens. And then they die. Therefore, they must be vacuumed from the floors. Yes, I am particular, and make good use of my man-servant with mad vacuuming skills.
Today I got a bevy of catalogs in the mail which were such fun to page through (anything to avoid cleaning off the desk!). There were several t-shirts which tickled my funny bone. One read: "I am not a pessimist---I am an optimist with experience". Funny! Guess I will open my card and hear the laughter! Here's another one: "I don't expect everything to be handed to me....just put it down wherever". I am opening my laughing birthday card now!!!