At the opening of Vacation Bible School, Pastor Kuske is explaining about Creation, and it appears as though he is being imitated by the robot, Gadget, in the background! The two robots and the backdrop came from our sister congregation, Victory Lutheran, where Justin worships, and they nicely allowed us to borrow it for our week-long VBS. The garage-scene is incorporated throughout the lessons. GADGET is an acronym for God Always Does Great, Exciting Things!
The children were all given the task of making their own robots, using cereal boxes, toilet paper rolls, and other household items. My goddaughter, Sarah, is busily painting her cereal box using a long paint brush, which I found amusing. In the background, Colby, who is a craft helper this year, is leaning into the frame so I could snap a picture of him as well. He has gotten quite tall this summer and can look me in the eye, or rather at my eye brows! Akeila, the little girl I have mentioned in previous postings, has the white beads in her hair, back to back with Sarah.
Miss Jennifer, our primary leader for the VBS, working in concert with Pastor, is also the teacher for the kindergarten VBS class. I was able to help with the kid shuffling last night as they decided to break the pre-k group out of this one since we had so many. At early count a week ago, there were only 12 people registered but now our numbers have grown to just about 35, with two new registrants last night. Thank you, Lord, for providing willing workers and children "hungry for the Word" at our VBS!!!
This game is more than just fun to play, it also helped the little ones understand the story of Creation, as various-sized balls were sent aloft in this parachute. The large beach ball was the sun, with the decreasingly smaller balls symbollic of the stars and planets. They had to try to keep the balls in the air and not let them crash together, because God created them all and manages them for us! Anna is a game helper this year, as she is getting too old for VBS herself. She is also helps Kathy B. with the music, operating the DVD sing-along portion and the CD operator. Many tasks to be taken care of, many hats to be worn by all age groups!