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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday's wrap-up

Our Sunday went as it does most weeks, as Linda and I left for Bible study and worship, with Justin meeting us at church at service time. He was running a bit late on his departure and then caught every red light on his ride over. Linda was warmly welcomed by the folks who knew her, and distributed hugs to those for whom my mom sent them. 

We started a new Bible study about life-style witnessing. This could get interesting. I knew of this pastor, the author of the study, when he served at my sister-in-law's church in Coral Springs. It is no more...There were a good number of folks in Bible study, which was also the first day of Sunday school. I think that we had about 9 kids to kick things off.

Linda got to see some more folks she knew when it was time for worship, sitting with Mike S. and Judy J. Justin and I came to join them in the pew, me after finishing taking attendance. A lady who was member years ago came back today, and was warmly greeted, especially by me. Kathy R. was the organist, but more than that, a good friend to my family. 

Back in 1988, I had to attend church one of our first Sundays in FL without my spouse, who had a bad reaction to some food we'd eaten in St. Augustine the night before. I struggled with the diaper bag, my purse, and getting my baby into church, arriving a bit late. I looked around as I stood in the back of the church and saw this lady summoning me to her pew. I sat down and this lady took Justin from my arms so I could get settled. Between her husband and her, they held him all through worship. Danny and Kathy would go on to babysit Justin on Wednesday nights so my spouse and I could attend Bible study. How about that??? 

When Timmy was baptized, something took place which was not normally done---Kathy played the organ while Kristi sang an anthem, "A Thankful Heart", and then the baptism continued. 5 years later the two ladies would again sing and play for Timmy's funeral.

Eight of us went to lunch at Chili's and I was able to share the stories of Kathy and Danny with those at the table. Some of them did not know Kathy so it's nice for them to have this introduction to her through these reminiscences of mine. Certainly others have memories of her too, as Terri mentioned Kathy playing for her wedding and Kristi singing The Lord's Prayer for the service. So glad to have Kathy coming back to our midst.

We had such good laughs at the table, as the rain poured down outside yet again. Ugh! Linda and I had stayed up late the night before watching the Jaguar game which was not a bad or hard game to watch. We were a bit drowsy in the afternoon. Because the weather was not good, we opted to stay in and watch "Fox News Sunday", and then "Gifted Hands", a movie made about Dr. Ben Carson. Wow!

What a great movie and story that is, and what an impressive man he is. In case the readers don't know, he is a man of color who grew up in very poor circumstances and overcame that adversity to become a renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. One major accomplishment he had in his career was the successful separation of conjoined twins in Germany. Talk about tears flowing! 

Next we watched a movie Linda brought along about a young boy in England who had a brain tumor and was trying to get a million greeting cards with prayers in them to help heal him. They were believers in the Lord and knew it was His hand which would heal their son. It was such a sweet movie. The influx of prayers in the cards supposedly helped Craig to bear up. A billionaire in the US offered to pay for his medical needs here and the doctor, played by Richard Thomas, was able to help him. Craig was an adorable child and I simply fell in love with his face. Based on a true-story, which makes it even better. So, more tears!

Justin had made dinner for us all on Friday night, making beer cheese soup with cut-up brats in it. A new recipe to which he added celery, which really added to it, in my opinion. Sunday night we had a buffet of our leftovers accumulated over the weekend, and still had things leftover after that!!!
I suggested to Linda that we watch something to make us laugh since we'd wept much of the afternoon so we ended up watching the movie, "Gran Torino" on TNT. NO, it was NOT funny but it is a good story. We especially like it because the story is about how a hardened, yes, angry, white man at first despises his Hmong neighbors, yet eventually gives his life for them. Spoiler alert in case you have never watched it. Watch on TV where editing has taken place...more could be done but it might lose some of its "flavor". 

Linda and I stayed up later than Justin did, and watched an episode of "Frasier" before going to bed. See? We did watch something funny eventually. But we had to laugh softly (yeah, right!) since Justin was already in bed!!!