.....after such a fun evening!! It was just AWESOME meeting up with the Hulses in St. Augustine for dinner at The Columbia. AWESOME!! They have a time share south of Daytona Beach and are on vacation from the St. Louis area this week. Naturally, I was running just the tiniest bit late and could kick myself for going 'the long way' instead of jumping on the freeway. As it turned out I was only about 10 minutes late. They were already seated when I came in and I found them with little trouble. It was wonderful to see Cynthia and Lynnette again, and meet Cynthia's hubby, Les, for the first time. Hopefully not my last time! Lynnette brought a friend along to keep her company and her name is Leslie. Les and Leslie---easy enough to remember. We, and I use that term loosely as I talked my head off, talked about everything. Like we never missed a beat. Les told me that after the two ladies came home from the cruise in 2007 he heard all about me....I said, "What???" and he immediately came back with, "...all good, all good..." Whew!
I think it came up when we talked about how at the Athens airport the two young girls, Lynnette and Becky, were wanting to take in the night life on Mykonos, which was actually several days into the trip, and Cynthia said they could. but only if I went along! Wow! They had really just met me but Cynthia felt confident enough to set them free with me in charge. After she got to know me, she changed her mind about that! As it turned out no one went back to the island that night, to my knowledge, so I was not put to the test. I think the girls would have had their hands full with me if we had gone back over as even Justin had to coerce me back onto the bus in 2006. It's VERY difficult to leave Mykonos but it helped that Santorini was only a day away.

Judy and Kim on the cruise ship (sorry, but I have no photos on this computer of Cynthia or Lynnette...)
Back to the dinner tonight, after we shared that little story, Les shared about them talking about me...Lynnette then piped up and said that Kim and the Ruserts made that cruise special for Becky and her, and no sweeter or kinder words were ever spoken. Thanks so much, Hulses, for making my night so special and for the great revisit of memories from our cruise. I was so excited about our fun time tonight that I tried calling Judy R. to tell her but got the answering machine instead. I left such a long, excited message that I ran out of time...imagine that!
Kim and Judy at her home in Winona in the spring of 2008. Friends forever!!!