This lovely photo awaited me this morning when I checked my Facebook account. These two ladies sent me their greetings from the Wellness Center. Really got my day off to a marvelous start!
Today was my Republican Women's meeting at The Club. The lady who usually provides the invocation and offers something worthy of consideration was absent. It was announced that her son and his family showed up at her home after midnight with only the clothes on their backs, having escaped their burning home. Oh no!
It wasn't long and a collection basket was being passed around into which those gathered could make a donation to help this displaced family. It was moving, sort of quiet, as folks were visibly affected by this situation and were swift to lend a hand. Plans are to get them a WalMart gift card with which they can get basic needs met and so the young daughter could have school clothes so she wouldn't miss too much. Surely other help will be coming to them but in the meantime their family and we can and did lend a hand.
Facebook has come up with a new gimmick for people to click on after reading someone's post. At first there was only an imoji or graphic for LIKE which I would use with abandon, indicating I'd read their post. Now the developers have added a graphic for laughter, love, shock, sorrow, and anger, besides the thumbs up for LIKE. Thus far, I have only used LIKE but all the imoji pop-up and get in the way, pushing for use. I won't do it! Stubborn that way. I'd like a button or graphic that indicates I've been there and read their posting, not putting a grade on it. I know I am in the minority on this so I'll simply note my distaste here and leave it at that.
Tonight is midweek Lenten worship. I wonder if Justin will be done working in time to go with me or if he'll be up to it. Usually he's pretty bushed when he gets home, heads right for his bed after getting showered and his clothes into the washer. His legs are weary and his bones ache. Even though the mowers he uses are ride-on, there is quite a lot of jarring and bouncing going on. We shall see!