Here I am---sitting in the sun which is even warming the keys on my keyboard for me. Nice! Early morning yesterday I was awakened by rain on my windows, and it rather continued much of the day. Not always raining but misting, grey and dreary.
This suited my mood because of my dread of an endodental appointment I had. When I went for the check-up the other day, the dentist, Peggy, was not happy with the swelling on the gum above the area where my last two root canals took place last year. I have a brand-new crown and gold post in place (I have pictures of the post if you wish to see it...) which added to the price of my million dollar smile. Now, I have to have more work done in the same area. Rats!
Dr. Smith, whose office is in my former building and suite, said he has to perform a root amputation. This is an involved procedure so we agreed to not begin the process until after Easter so that I can sing. I had a prescription for antibiotics to have filled, which I dropped off at Publix. They offer free ones, so I accept! It was going to take 45 minutes to fill so I left and went to see Julia at the shop. I was not going to wander that store for 45 minutes and fill my cart with things I didn't need.
I did forget to buy milk, the only thing Justin had on his list for me to pick up. I don't know how that happened except that I was so sad about having to have this procedure done. I was already in the car when I remembered so I drove thru at McDonald's and got him a milk, and me, a Diet Coke!
At Publix I did think to buy my petite red potatoes for taking along to a St. Patrick's Day party Saturday night. The guests are asked to bring their favorite potato dish and MUST wear green, or will have green applied to them. I will comply, as I have two garments which meet the criteria.
If I were a T-shirt wearer I could sport one of Justin's kelly green shirts that I got him for his birthday last year. He loves them for their softness. Shrewdly, I bought them before knowing his boss was going to supply them with shirts! Mine are softer cotton so he wears them around the house.
Today I was supposed to go to Lake Asbury for Bible history class but Amber had a doctor appointment. She needs to keep those, as she has found a doctor who will see her at a discount rate and write her scrips to keep her alive. She is also quite thankful to know that her one expensive heart pill is now available in a generic form. Small blessings add up! And I am upset about a tooth procedure????
This is my photo, taken in 2006, looking down from Santorini
Justin has been pestering me to go to Carrabba's which has rebuilt a restaurant near the freeway exit. Not very handy, in my opinion, but good visibility for travelers. I was not in the mood last night but did agree to take him to The Greek Village on S. Blanding. His first visit, and he loved it. Said it felt like eating in a restaurant in New York, an off-the-beaten-path looking place. I love the murals and posters of Greece, as they transport me. We both brought home containers of unfinished meals which will provide more meals for us this week.
Yesterday morning my friend, Emily, posted a photo of Boots Day, our former pet, who was feeling poorly. She said he might have eaten something outside that didn't agree with him. He didn't even come to her when she put food in his dish. Oh my! Just the night before, I was telling Linda how old Mickey the Stupid Dog is now, going on 14 years. Boots is younger than Mickey. I hope Boots springs back to being 'the perfect pet' for their family!