It was a grand and glorious day at the pool today, at long last. The water most assuredly could have been warmer for my tastes but thanks to the sun beating on me, I endured! It was great to see everyone again, well, at least those who are not working or otherwise involved. Bob was there doing his version of laps, swimming back and forth the width of the pool instead of the length. He said he has lost weight over summer doing this so good for him!
One friend, Janet, stopped where I was sitting to introduce me to her visiting niece. Pam had wanted to go out on the sailboat but Janet declared it was too hot to do so. Now that's a problem! It was 91 for the high and I guess just sitting out on the water with no breeze doesn't work too well for sailing. I bet her niece wondered what in the world was going on---too hot to go boating??? Yeah, I know...
Thankful that my neighbors, Hugh and Maureen, with the assistance of Connie, put the flag up in remembrance of the terror attacks on 9/11. We can see this from the pool, of course, and is admired by many.
Last weekend my friends, Bill and Nancy, went on a sailboat adventure with another couple from the pool, Charles and Kathleen. It was a beastly hot day and not windy at all, but off they went. They ended up having to use the little motor to move the boat from Point A to Point B, which was incredibly slow, and miserable, according to Nancy. I was concerned for them going out at 6 pm, fearing bad weather would come up like it usually does, but they were fine, except for the slow movement. They were telling me all about it today at the pool.
Other friends from the pool, Tim and Stephanie, were telling their boating stories as well, only theirs were funny. At least to us, perhaps not to Tim. They took their pontoon boat out one day and ended up having the motor fall off. They had to call around for help, glad to have their cell phones along, and had service. Finally, they got hold of Charles who came with his jet ski to tow them back in. It was not a simple fix for this either, since the engine falling off pulled the fuel line out, etc. Tim tried to make the repairs himself but to no avail. His wife says he is not the handiest guy, which might explain why the engine fell off in the first place. Man, that was some funny stuff!! A good day of laughing when at the pool, don't even mind the pesky love bugs!