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No longer on the river and, again, an empty nester. Back to living on Fleming Island and making some more friends!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Crazy mixed up day

Today we got some tragic news which  I guess on the 'tragic scale' might not be so bad---we won't be having Bible study on Mondays until January of 2015. No-more-Monday-study-until-next-year!! Sad faces all around the table. The reason presented is that, well, next week is Thanksgiving, and then after that is Advent and then Christmas. The extra work doesn't allow time for Bible study. We've been on this same study about the women in Jesus' life since early May but have had many starts 'n stops which delays our forward progress. Now it will be longer yet with this halt until next year. I rejoice that Bible study continues at Victory except for ThanksLiving Day, so I will get a few more sessions under my belt before leaving for WI. 

I was telling my friends at church Sunday how messed up time-wise I've been since we have not had Bible study on Sunday a.m. the last two weeks. Instead of study Pastor has been presenting a stewardship program for those who don't care to come during the week or at night. A few people did come. This is the 2nd phase of the series which was already presented to the Monday class 3 weeks ago. Since many of us regular attendees have been through it before, it didn't pay to go again, this time held two Sundays in a row. So, when do I get up? When do I get dressed and leave? My timing was all messed up, but it didn't hurt to arrive at church early as the others were in the sanctuary hanging out to visit while the session was going on. 

Worship was wonderful, Saints Triumphant Sunday, one of my favorites. (Some ladies would smile about that because I say that every week about one hymn or another). We sang "For All the Saints", "Wake, Wake for Night is Flying", "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less", and the last 9 stanzas of "I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table". I wish we could have sung "Jerusalem, the Golden" but it is not in our MIDI. I got a few messages through out the day from folks who did get to sing it, one church using both versions. Linda sent me a text from her Bible study to report they had sung it and she wept, as did my sister. Love that she was thinking of me....a good hymn day! Good hymns and then the Lord's Supper as well, yes, a good day!

The Chappells were gone to NC for a wedding and Terri T. was absent so only three of us went to lunch, which was nice. Mike, Betty, and I had a bit of a problem since something was amiss with either the ice or the water, making our beverages taste funky. Mike and I both switched to regular Dr. Pepper and that seemed okay, or at least tolerable, and I'm still alive so it must have safe to drink! Betty is a woman of few words but yesterday she more opportunity to converse, which was great. Her grandson who lives with her, is laid up with a sore leg, having fallen from a skateboard earlier in the week. He is 35 years old---too old be to be on a board! Jimmy has not been able to work since then, poor guy. 

Glad that Michael and Judy got back safely from their wedding. It was an outdoor marriage ceremony for her granddaughter, Jessica, in North Carolina, where it has been cold lately. Judy made a warm shawl/poncho for her granddaughter, Morgan, who was part of the wedding party because her dress had spaghetti straps and she'd freeze. Judy whipped it up in one afternoon, just like that! Now she has enough fabric leftover to make some clothes for one of our members, Jordyn, who still plays with dolls. Jordyn is quite appreciative of the outfits Mrs. Chappell makes for her dolls. Judy's own grands don't play with dolls so she had to find a little girl who does!